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Monday, July 06, 2015


Not to beat a dead horse, but if the police want more money they can collect several thousand $ per day by stationing a "meter maid" at the rt 50 post office - 21801, NOBODY pays any attention to the Handicap Parking signs...Police included..


  1. I agree. Every time I go there people are parked in handicapped and no parking zones. Even though there are plenty of open spots. I've seen the same lady there several times leaving her car running with her kids in the car. People are lazy.

  2. Put one at the no "left turn 4-6" from Nanticoke to Pemberton...budget problem solved...

    They should never have caved to McDonalds when they redid that stretch - make them turn at the light - they added a turnout lane....

  3. The Federal government does not have meter maids that I am aware of.

  4. The Po-po need to get the idiots who park in the fire lanes at the Food Lion on Rt. 50 near K-Mart.

  5. 3:15 - and the other food lions.....nanticoke road is the worst.....they need to load their food stamp groceries in to their MB's and Lincolns!

  6. Seaford Walmart is almost all handicap parking. If that many cripples go into walmart at one time, I bet all the scooters will be taken.

  7. I saw a pickup at Royal Farms on Snow Hill Rd. today who couldn't park his truck properly. Both driver side wheels were in the spot next to him and it was a handicapped. I sure wasn't going to park next to him.

    And 455, why do you have to use a derogatory term like cripples to describe handicap people? There are many different types of handicaps. When you get older, and hopefully wiser, you may just be handicapped yourself.

  8. As is typical for the fed, state and local gov's, handicapped parking has been way overdone. I have known people with handicapped plates who walk 10 miles every morning but still park in handicapped spaces at the stores. I believe handicapped spaces should ONLY be used by people with an actual physical handicap (cane, walker, wheelchair etc.). All these handicapped spaces is as ridiculous as having bike lanes on heavily traveled highways and the present welfare mentality of the government. WHAT A JOKE !!!

  9. Almost everyone has and carries a cell phone. Take photos or video of people who violate the law. Send these to the district attorney and stat that you want charges pressed. This can be a starter.


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