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Saturday, July 11, 2015

911.... Brick Layers Needed In Pittsville



  1. What happened here??

  2. 11:51
    Looks like the door was not all the way up when the truck tried to exit the building.

  3. Saturday night , I just got paid , don't care about my money , don't try to save. My heart says go go pal of mine , it's saturday night and I'll have a good time. Maybe Chuck Berry.

  4. Maybe people shouldn't be so quick to judge and get all up tight with out knowing the facts!

  5. Accidents happen
    Pittsville was responding to help a brother fire department on a rescue
    This could happen to anyone
    This is what you pay insurance for each month when accidents occur

  6. Brother department? You mean mutual aid? lmao ry for the effort.

  7. Brother Hood is what the fire service is about, helping one another.

    point made !!!!!!!

  8. Looks like a tight fit anyway. Man I bet the driver needed a depends and a valium after that. whoa! Hope no one was hurt.

  9. 11:10
    So why not give them to us since you seem to know so much.

    Brotherhood? That is laughable. They can't get along with the people in their own departments let alone other departments. This goes for ALL fire departments.


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