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Wednesday, July 08, 2015

4 Myths about the U.S. Civil War. Plus a Bonus Fact!

The mass hysteria over the Confederate flag is incredible and quite inane. A lot of it is because of ignorance about history and, in this case, about the U.S. Civil War. This is understandable because history is always written by winners who, of course, make themselves look so awesome and noble. So, let’s take a look at the common myths that everyone “knows” to be true:

1. The North attacked the South in order to end Slavery

The truth? The North attacked the South in order to stop the secession. That’s all. The reason didn’t matter … the bottom line was, “No, you can’t go.” The South could have tried to secede forANY reason, and the end result would have been the same. Why?

For one, the South, if treated as an independent country, was very wealthy. In fact, it had the fourth largest economy in the world at that time, and it accounted for more than 60% of America’s exports.

Second, no country likes to lose territories. They like to acquire territories. And just look at the map below. Losing the South would have been the end of the American Empire and the dream of “Manifest Destiny.”



  1. Interesting to read what 'really' happened and then compare it to how the liberals and their media spin it!

  2. Modern day slavery? Take a look at welfare.

  3. This is how they use to teach it in the 70's and 80's. It seems this was all lost in the 90's.
    Even today, my teenager never learned this in school, only at home.
    They have been slowly deleting our history, forgetting the truth has become all to easy.

  4. "The South could have tried to secede for ANY reason..."

    But they didn't. The reason WAS slavery.

    "...it had the fourth largest economy in the world at that time..."

    Yeah - because of slave labor !!

  5. Just more internet BS.... Fort Sumter's attack, by the south, was the real start of the war - end of story!

  6. 10:15 & 10:56 thats what they teach the people incapable of thought. Your pretty little picture lacks depth and complexity. NOTHING is that easy. School yourself or forever watch from the sidelines.

  7. Here, again, we have the liberal public renouncing the truth. Just more proof that they cannot handle truth nor the facts associated with it.

  8. More conspiracy theories. There is some truth mixed into this but but for the most part it is a crock.

  9. "It’s ironic how when America was founded, and it wanted to leave England, that was an awesome thing — you know, wonderful concepts such as “self determination”, “freedom”. “liberty” etc."

    Isn't this the truth. I love when Douche Bags call Southerners traitors for wanting to leave the Union, but it was OK for the Americans to leave Britain.

  10. the north wanted some of the souths money and the south wouldn't give it to them. again, money.


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