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Wednesday, July 22, 2015

3 Million More Children In Poverty Under Obama, 39% of Black Kids

Ever since President Obama took office, the poverty rate among children has soared to 22 percent, with three million more children living in poor conditions, according to an authoritative new report released Tuesday.

The 2015 "KIDS COUNT" report from the Annie E. Casey Foundation said that the percentage of children living in poverty jumped from 18 percent in 2008, the year Obama was elected, to 22 percent in 2013. It added that the rate dropped from 2012 to 2013, in line with the improving economy.

Among minority children and in some states, especially the South, however, the situation is dire.

Read more here


  1. Don't have them if you can't afford them, that's right, the more a single mother has, the more entitlements she can get, and the kids will eventually end up in the criminal justice system.

  2. Well Democrats, how is that "hope and change" working for you?
    You voted for him, now enjoy the results!!!
    His record speaks for itself!

  3. This is just the latest failure of a subculture which tolerates wholesale parental abandonment.

    The poverty, the drugs, the crime, the misery is felt mostly by blacks.

    The major reason is the fatherless children, especially boys, look to older "role models" whose particular skill sets are unconventional.

    When fathers cease to exist children run wild, deal drugs, skip school, not have a part time job.

    There are endless social uplifting programs available, even specially tailored to blacks. In fact all of the social programs of the Great Society et al were created with blacks in mind.

    For whatever reason higher education doesn't seem to be a priority for many black families. Even grade school seems to be difficult obstacle for many. Truancy/dropout rates are astonishingly atrocious...in the black community.

    In the end it will come down to whether or not black fathers will do the right thing- that which the rest of the world seems to have figured out for the last 10-15,000 years, and return to the children they created.

    It is not about more programs, more money, or endemic racism. Those excuses never worked despite Democrat attempts to say otherwise. That philosophy over the last 50-odd years has made it worse than ever. Time for black people to accept responsibility, pick up their kids, and do what the rest of the world does.

  4. This number will rise when the after effects of both the Baltimore and the Ferguson riots are felt.
    Blacks cry and moan about no jobs then proceed to shut down businesses by burning down stores or blocking access to them. They are in serious need of an education as to what happens to a local economy after stupid people crap in their own nests. Look at areas where rioting occurred before and try to find one where the economy has recovered; you won't find one. Watts, Detroit, Camden. There are countless others as well.
    Businesses exist to make money. When actions cause them to lose money, they take their business and leave the area, along with the jobs and taxes they once paid. Inner city blacks where the poverty is concentrated can't seem to figure this out.
    The only businesses that will succeed in that climate and atmosphere are Security Camera companies and lumber yards that sell plywood to board up the vacant houses.

  5. Is it any wonder there are little to no stores in inner city neighborhoods?

  6. It's not like stores wouldn't love to open in the inner cities it's that they can't take the everyday violence and the pillaging that goes on regularly. Walmart, Sam's Club, Costco would love to be surrounded by all those EBT cards but the bad outweighs the good.
    So the poor keep it getting poorer because then they have to go to a neighborhood store and pay 1.99 for a roll of paper towels instead of paying 1/2 the price at a big name retailer.

  7. Not only that, but most of them are functionally illiterate. Can they make change? Read basic intructions, let one interpret them?

    Until the parents start teaching their kids work ethics, responsibility, discipline and to be courteous and respectful to others, I don't think many "urban youths" will be a potential source of employees for any store that tries to come in.

  8. Yes most are functional illiterate. I know in Baltimore City the chronic absenteeism rate is over 60 percent.


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