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Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Worst ever black mob violence? Commentary from First Lady


  1. If he lived....he has every right to hunt them down and do what ever. No matter what he may have done....that's ridiculous

  2. I call to all who read this , when will you get it , it's over , you had better arm yourselves . Please let's get it on and get rid of these low life SOB's. Soot , stab beat them with whatever. Just do it.

  3. that's good. video and oration that are totally unrelated. can we do the surfing squirrel with commentary by henry kissinger next?????????

  4. you tube is full of these mob attacks , never hear a thing on the news.

  5. 1:42 you think the narration had nothing to do with the video?

    Listen to what the privileged twat is prattling on about. How mistreated and abused "her" people are. How it is such a "struggle" for them every day to deal wth the "slights" and inconveniences of being black.

    Yet even as she goes on about how hard it is to be black, how much they go through as "victims", the reality is quite the opposite. They are not 'victims" they are the guilty ones.

    Don't know how that could have been more clear.

  6. Carry a gun. All the time.
    And don't go into run down, black ghetto apartment complexes looking for drugs (what? he was there selling Avon?).
    When you are the only white person in sight, you are in trouble. Unless you follow my first rule, referenced above.

  7. Heard dat Bubba.

  8. Michelle needs to take another vacation in Hawaii or Martha's Vineyard at taxpayer expense about now...she appears to be distressed from all this humiliation!

  9. June 30, 2015 at 2:26 PM

    only if you are complete idiot. And of course........

  10. Michelle O is a piece of s__t for thinking the way she does. The war is coming and it's not going to be pretty...... she has never seen a hard day in her life.


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