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Sunday, June 28, 2015

Wicomico BOE $300,000 Yearly Lease of Private Property Offices - County BOE Resources Being Redirected Away from Schools

While Wicomico County Schools are currently vacant due to the summer vacation - the BOE redirects a substantial amount of its school support resources to outfit one of its newly acquired Leasehold properties at 2424 (located behind Lowe's). 

It certainly makes one wonder why they couldn't have repurposed the Bennett Middle School Property - in light that it is about to be demolished. 

Never again should Wicomico residents pockets be allowed to be 'ambushed' while the demolition crews prepare to demolish a perfectly sound building whereby the County already owns.  If ever there were a picture that could speak a thousand words - the ones below says volumes about the inner workings going on within the Wicomico County Board of Education.

We suggest that you contact your legislators to express your dissatisfaction for misappropriation of taxpayers monies.

The photos below - were taken at 7:30 AM this morning.


  1. Personally, I simply do not understand it. First we have run-a-way spending with BOE issued credit cards for purchases from food establishments like; My Turn To Cook, Rita's, Taylors, DeVages, Chic-fil-a, and multitudes upon multitudes of others.

    Now we have renegade spending for leasing private facilities while ball-and-craine wrecking is about to demolish a perfectly sound and paid for County owned structure. I would like to know what in the - - ll is going on in this Town.

  2. It does kind of make you scratch your head when it doesn't even itch.

  3. Well at least we all now know who the school officials are really looking out for (themselves) as opposed to the children. I guess the maintenance on all of the other 24 or so schools can just wait till the new administrative offices are complete.

  4. As Spock used to say on Star Trek, it is illogical.

  5. More waste. I swear this county agency just doesn't seem to get it. All of BOE personnel's time would have been better spent trying to shore-up the schools instead of making way for the administrative personnel.

  6. I wouldn't call Bennett Middle "perfectly sound".

  7. So Fredricksen decides to spend all this money on a lease and then he's leaving next year. How convenient. He and Brian Foret will leave lots for their successors to clean up.

  8. how sound does it have to be to house offices? is the roof going to fall in? sure, there maybe some cracks in the exterior brick, but i don't believe the brick is structural. i thought i saw a man walk on the moon. you can't tell me that they couldn't saved it.

  9. If the main reason their moving out of the main building on Long ave & Mt Hermon Road is because of mold in the ventilation system. Why are they going to put little children in there for. This whole issue is messed up like Frederickson.

  10. And the majority of staff who will be relocated don't believe the leased facility will be able to meet their needs. Of course, no one bothered to determine what our needs are.

  11. Spend this money in a wasteful manner is only the beginning. Have you rode by Parkside lately. They are supposed to be a vocational school and look at the lack of maintenance to the outer structure. I can only imagine what the inside looks like and the other areas that need preventive maintenance such as heating, air conditioning, kitchen appliances etc.. This shows they hire worthless maintenance people or the laziest ones and or both.

  12. FREE furniture my a$$......ask the BOE how much is being spent above the $300,000.00 lease. Ask the BOE how much they will pay Bates Moving to move them. That's right they have a facilities dept that has how many employees and they pay some other company to do it. Ask the BOE how much $$ is being spent on materials to put up partitions in the new building. Ask the BOE how much is being spent.
    on this move. Sorry BOE but this FREE furniture is costing the taxpayers a fortune.


  14. If you poll the BOE employees, I bet only about 20% want to move into his place. It will look like a call center when you walk in which will be a horrible setting for all departments.

  15. Many taxpayers spoke out against this terrible wasteful spending, but did anyone listen? Did the council listen to the people paying the freight? Hell no, the taxpayer never gets listened to.

    I'm sick to death of Kim Hudson, Ron Willey, Fast Freddy, the Fraud, the wife of one of our deceased congressional leaders stand up every year with the same tired speeches, we need more money for the children. We can't get businesses into our area if the schools are top notch, on and on it goes. I want to vomit. This bunch of do-nothings stand up and preach, but put no thought into what really has to happen to attract businesses and future taxpayers into this area.
    First there has to be qualified teachers that really know what
    they are doing and how to get the material across to the kids.
    These robots need to remember you can't get blood from a
    turnip. They wanted a fancy new building for the
    administration and didn't care one bit for the children. That
    is what is going on with this BOE they are lining their
    pockets with taxpayers money, if they weren't doing it, they
    would be at Bennett. These people are liars, and frauds and
    we, the people need to
    stop them and shut them
    down from getting any more money period.

  16. How could the Board of Ed get away with entering into a lease for 20 years when all of elected officials were against it. Shouldn't the taxpayers be initiating a lawsuit to prevent this atrocity. Who is there that will stand-up for the average taxpayer. Could someone please explain as to how this could happen to our County.

  17. Joe - I just hope and pray that when the demolition crane and ball arrive at the BMS site that you will be there to publish the photos of them destroying perfectly good county owned property. What-a-shame.

    1. I hope he's there too. Hopefully he will get really close and somehow get whacked by some debris. Good riddance to that disgusting excuse of a human being.

  18. I just hope the CC doesn't let Frederickson exit out of here without him appearing and giving an adequate explanation for this expenditure. I agree with some of the above posters, there certainly appears to be impropriety.

  19. now you know why fast freddy is folding up his tent and moving on.

    he's taking his carpet bag to some other unsuspecting dolts.

  20. 300k a year - equates to 7.2 million dollars for 20 years. There is no way in Sam's ----ll that this could have gotten by our elected officials. And if it did then they should all be recalled immediately, along with a class action taxpayers lawsuit.

  21. It is one big area. Only the higher-ups are getting offices. I can't imagine it will be very private. Good luck discussing private matters without everyone, including other parents/visitors hearing your business. FERPA violations apparently aren't a concern of the BOE.

    I agree with another poster. Sarcasm on - free furniture, what a deal - sarcasm off. They already had furniture.

  22. Take a look at the wages for classified employees. They are so low that they have problems hiring quality personal. Any classified employee can go to any surrounding county and make more!

  23. As always, the question is, "What are you gonna do about it?" If words were going to change behavior it would have happened by now.

  24. This 300k procurement lease is fraught with WASTE, FRAUD, and ABUSE. I agree with 7:10 PM Poster, someone ought to go to jail over this expenditure. Who do I call to try and launch an investigation into this matter. Maybe the feds should be brought-in.

    1. So many armchair lawyers, so little time

  25. Wow, there is a lot of taxpayers money at stake. I wasn't aware that the building had been rented by the Wico Board of Education.

  26. look at who owns the rented spaces and it all makes sense.

  27. AnonymousJune 25, 2015 at 7:10 PM

    "300k a year - equates to 7.2 million dollars for 20 years. There is no way in Sam's ----ll that this could have gotten by our elected officials. And if it did then they should all be recalled immediately, along with a class action taxpayers lawsuit."

    7.2 million which is cheaper than the 12 million it would cost to build/furnish the place. Plus the year it would take to build it when this building is almost ready to move in.

    To the people complaining about hiring a moving company; did you take into consideration that it's cheaper to hire a moving company vs. paying the salary of their employees for that time period spent on the move? Or maybe if the employees were injured while lifting something heavy their insurance carrier might not cover it? Or maaaybe a moving company has strong able bodied men who move big heavy stuff for a living, so it makes more sense to use them instead of the boe employees who don't lift anything over 50lbs. Stop and use your brains before making dumb assumptions and comments. I don't understand how some of you people make it through life lol.

  28. The Wicomico County BOE is the most wasteful department in our County government. They always try and use the kids to shield them from their fanatical decisions. What a waste of taxpayers dollars.

  29. Corruption at all levels within the BOE administration. Ultimately, it is the taxpayers that get stuck with these bills.

  30. Just try getting answers to your questions. Public information or not, they just ignore what they don't want to address and it works. Yet they still wonder why they're not trusted.

  31. glad i sold my house and gone from the BURY in 12 days FU Bury.


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