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Thursday, June 18, 2015

What THIS Black Woman Did in a Liberal Texas Town Has Democrats Shocked and Scared

The city of San Antonio, Texas has a new mayor and her victory has liberals and Democrats in this liberal stronghold in Texas scared. Why? Because she is a black woman who ran as a more conservative, openly evangelical candidate and she won handily beating the liberal favorite backed by Obama’s HUD director Julian Castro.

Ivy Taylor just became the first black woman elected as San Antonio’s mayor. And the thrill of this is that she beat Obama’s guy Julian Castro who handpicked his successor… and it wasn’t Taylor!

A quietly determined underdog triumphed over an entrenched political machine. A potential vice-presidential candidate in 2016 was abandoned by his political base. And the underdog began her victory speech by shouting “To God Be The Glory!” – a felony anywhere but in Texas.

All those things happened on Saturday when Ivy Taylor became the first black woman elected as San Antonio’s mayor. Initially given little chance, she defeated former State Senator Leticia Van de Putte by a 52-48 margin, her victory delivered by a multicultural coalition of evangelical voters. Anywhere else, invoking the Almighty’s blessing might seem like a dubious strategy. But Mayor Ivy led her own prayer meetings in a campaign that counted on Bible-belt religious faith to overcome hard-wired dividing lines of race, class and ethnicity.



  1. What a GREAT LADY!!

  2. Their are valuable true patriotic black Americans. Hope we here from allot more of them, its refreshing. No more race baiter Thug life preachers like sharpton.

  3. Retaliation is on the way , black panthers and burning the cities , suburbs will be safe , just lock and load.

  4. Congratulations Ms. Taylor!!!!


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