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Saturday, June 27, 2015

U.S. Troops Face Eating, Drinking Restrictions During Ramadan

A top commander in southwest Asia reminded U.S military personnel stationed in Muslim countries in the Middle East of the restrictions placed on them during Ramadan. According to a report by the U.S. Air Forces Central Command Public Affairs, Brig. Gen. John Quintas, 380th Air Expeditionary Wing commander in Southwest Asia, said that the U.S. is "committed to the concepts of tolerance, freedom and diversity." But he added that soldiers should "become more informed and appreciative of the traditions and history of the people in this region of the world... [R]emember we are guests here and that the host nation is our shoulder-to-shoulder, brothers and sisters in arms, risking their lives for our common cause to defeat terrorism."

During the 30-day religious celebration of Ramadan, even non-Muslims are expected to obey local laws regarding eating, drinking, and using tobacco in public. Violators can be fined up to $685 or receive two months in jail. A spokesperson for United States Central Command [CENTCOM] said that "we are not aware of any specific instances of anyone being arrested" for such violations.

\For military personnel outside of U.S.-controlled areas, the only exceptions for the rules are for those "performing strenuous labor." Such personnel are "authorized to drink and consume as much food as they need to maintain proper hydration and energy." It is unclear what constitutes "strenuous labor" or whether additional exceptions might be made during a heatwave affecting some areas of the region that has taken hundreds of lives.



  1. RESPECT ??? from Terrorist countries LOL.

  2. So we must abide by the customs in their countries while they insist on ignoring the laws and customs in America. America no longer has any self-respect or backbone.

  3. I can understand drinking in private. No porn out in the open . It's now it was when I was in. But no eating or drinking? Most of these guys are Christians fighting over there. You can't force another religion onto our soldiers.

  4. Yes, we go over to their countries, we expect to be respectful of their customs and superstitions, it's what civilized people do. But they come here, they still whine and demand not just respect for their superstitions, but for us to change things to accommodate them.

    If our "leaders" firmly advised them up front not to expect accommodation, as if their "special need" somehow equivocated to a "disability", they might think twice about coming here in hordes to trample their way through our culture. That's what Japan does. Muslims may only practice Islam quietly in their own homes and are forbidden to proselytize, build mosques or engage in political issues. Notice they have ZERO issues with them.

    1. And Japan has a silent ticking time bomb. They sit quietly and gather secretly. Not good. No room for Islam, Sharia or any other Muslim in this world.

  5. I say - let our military eat a ham sandwich for lunch! We're there covering their pansy-asses!

  6. Time to disband the UN and tell them ALL to hit the road.

  7. We had to do it every time we flew into an Arab country during Ramadan.
    Play by their rules.
    That means they should play by ours when they are here.
    just sayin'


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