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Saturday, June 13, 2015

UCLA Bans Faculty from Saying America is Land of Opportunity Because It’s Racist & Offensive

You have got to be freaking kidding me. Every day I get up anymore, I just bang my head against the wall over the latest wave of Liberal idiocy. This one does not even make sense. Unless of course you consider that the Leftists want all verbiage that says anything good about America erased from the lexicon. This pretense of being offended at every linguistic turn is just moronic. The following are also on that moonbat list: Alien in One’s Own Land, Ascription of Intelligence, Color Blindness, Criminality/Assumption of Criminal Status, Denial of Individual Racism/Sexism/Heterosexism and Myth of Meritocracy. Our language is being scrubbed, purified and censored. Evidently the First Amendment and freedom of speech mean absolutely nothing at UCLA or our universities anymore.

From Gateway Pundit:

The University of California sent a handout to faculty recently that includes a list of offensive statements. According to the handout,“America is the land of opportunity,” will be banned from campus.

It’s much too offensive.

National Review reported:

A University of California faculty leader-training handout instructed professors not to say that “America is the land of opportunity” because that’s a racist, sexist microaggression.

According to the handout, called “Tool: Recognizing Microaggressions and the Messages they Send,” the statement “assert[s] that race and gender [do] not play a role in life successes” — despite the fact that saying opportunities exist and saying that opportunities are more easily attainable for some people than others are not mutually exclusive assertions.

Other microaggressions listed on the document include asking, “Where are you from or where were you born?” (because it suggests that the person you’re asking is “not a true American”); asking a post-doctoral minority student whether he or she is lost in the halls of a chemistry building (because it makes ”the assumption that the person is trying to break into one of the labs”); and having students fill out forms on which they have to check a box indicating whether they’re male or female.

The school will now ban the phrase, “America is the land of opportunity.”



  1. Another bunch of liberal idiots.

  2. Then move your "Commie Hilter U" to Russia

  3. Probably not a bad idea. Advertise it as "the land of taxes" or "Number One in Incarceration" and maybe they'll think twice about "refugee-ing" here.

  4. Banning free speech. The entire administration must have ancestors from top nazi party leasers!

  5. Land of Opportunity, Land of Opportunity, Land of Opportunity, there I said it for them.


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