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Tuesday, June 09, 2015

Treasury Secretary Lew Jeered, Embarrassed at US Jewish Event

President Obama has Israel's best interests at heart, Lew tells JPost conference - but unprecedented heckling ensues.

U.S. President Barack H. Obama has Israel's best interests at heart, believes his Treasury Secretary Jack Lew – but attendees of the Jerusalem Post Conference taking place in Washington this week weren't buying it.

As Lew proclaimed that “no administration has done more for Israel than the current one,” and that “we do not at all assume that Iran intends to act with innocent intentions,” a large number of audience members began hooting, booing, and yelling “nonsense,” as well as intoning sharper invectives.

Lew continued, saying that the U.S. “strategically assists Israel daily, and we stand against those who question Israel's legitimacy and right to exist.” This, too, earned audience opprobrium.

At one point, Lew was forced to stop speaking and address the audience response, saying that “I understand that we do not agree on everything, but there is no doubt of the commitment of President Obama to the State of Israel.”

More here


  1. is it really possible that they believe their own lies?

  2. Israel should not bite the hand that feeds. Truth is the US dumps tons of money on them. They would be wise to be humble thankful.

  3. Nobody believes the president any more - or his selected cronies!

    Less than 600 days!

  4. 11:24 That doesn't matter. Obama's actions have spoken volumes and considering the world looks to us as leader's this is very bad for Israel. Hopefully the next president will be more responsive.

    Israel is the only REALLY free country in the Middle East. Worthy of our friendship, our respect and our protection.

    1. Then let them pay US taxes since they expect to borrow our military and political clout every time they shoot some kid for throwing rocks.

  5. He and Obama are running into that age old question --- "who ya gonna believe? Me, or your lying eyes??"
    What they SAY and what they DO are so far apart, he's lucky to have escaped with his life.

  6. Could you ever imagine the leaders of Russia taking their orders from and constantly pandering to some little piss ant country who has made enemies of ALL their neighbors? Could you imagine Chinese, French, German leaders demanding more money/weapons/support and sanctions for a tiny foreign nation that pays them back by covertly attacking their military to pull them blindly into an unnessasary war. Could you imagine the people of Canada allowing their leaders to do things counter productive, even harmful to the nation to serve the interests of political donors from another country?! Yeah, we are the leader of the free world alright.
    -Donald Duck

  7. 2:33 pm: Israel does not need our clout. They do need us to stand with them, and we should, since they are the only stable place in the Mid East. Also democratic and free btw. Arabs actually have it better in Israel and the West Bank than they do in much of the Arab world. Arabs live peacefully alongside Israelis in Israel -- as long as they show respect for civilized order and freedom. Israel also has self-confidence and good sense that the US negotiated away along time ago. Go to Israel to see for yourself. I did and I know what I am talking about.

    1. Democracy means nothing when only liers and criminals are on the ballot and when 80% of the 20% of people voting in this country don't even bother to educate themselves on the issues.

    2. We also stand with Saudi Arabia who treats their women worse than their cattle, sponsor terrorism and its citizens flew some planes into buildings back in 01.

    3. I visited Baltimore a few weeks ago. I only went to the inner harbor tourist areas, but what a beautiful town and such friendly people.

  8. anyone remember the NY Police and Firefighters doing the same thing to Hillary Clinton the night of the 9-11 Concert?

    it should be played over and over again

  9. I love Israel first.

    America is a second rate country compared to Israel.

    Israel is God's chosen people. All Americans should willing die for Jews. If you wont' die for Jews then you are worthless as cattle. You are goy.

    America is destined to serve Israel. That is the way it must be.


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