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Saturday, June 27, 2015

This robotic bricklayer can build a house in two days

For all the modern tools and heavy machinery found on construction sites these days, one aspect has remained a decidedly manual labor: bricklaying. Just as they did 6000 years ago when masonry was first developed, today's bricklayers still perform their backbreaking work almost exclusively by hand. But thanks to Australian engineer, Mark Pivac, that could soon change. Pivac has developed what he claims is the world's first fully automated bricklaying robot, dubbed Hadrian (yes, like the wall).

"We're at a technological nexus where a few different technologies have got to the level where it's now possible to do it," Pivac told PerthNow. "And that's what we've done." The system will first determine the location of every brick to be laid based on a 3D CAD design, then individually cuts and lays the bricks in sequence. Hadrian doesn't even need to move during the laying process as its 28-foot long boom manipulator is dextrous enough to both set the brick and slather on mortar as well. It even leaves space for pipes and wiring.



  1. We're at a "technological nexus" alright. The more people we can put out of work through technology the less the NWO needs on the planet to serve them. You're next and your children aren't far behind you.

  2. 1215-Tell that to all the mason's who've blown out their backs by 40.

  3. Or the mason that blew his liver out by 33.

  4. 12:25PM I can see that 12:15PM's comment wizzed over your head.

  5. When I took Masonry at Sussex Vo Tech in the very late 60's there was a photo of a bricklaying machine on the bulletin board.It supposedly layed 3000 bricks per day,but needed to be supplied with bricks and mortar by a laborer several times per hour.It also stopped at every door and window entrance while human bricklayers completed those.It layed the bricks and struck the joints perfectly every time as long as it continued in a straight line.Great for large shopping centers and large buildings in general but useless for houses.


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