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Sunday, June 07, 2015

This Just In From A Viewer

Just a quick note to alert you to barricade situation on Beaglin Park at this moment.


  1. male white in his 40s.

  2. any more info on this?

  3. Yes. Sharen drive, island club apartments. Crazy guy with machete talking about all the people he is going to kill and ISIS.

    1. did you see these things , please go to the police with any information . They need to know what a danger this man is .

  4. Currently stuck in the apartment complex. No one can enter or leave. Mobile command set up out front.

  5. so had it with this town that i just put my home up for sale last week.

  6. 11:59,yeah its the towns fault ,actually it might be Obama s fault,good luck finding a perfect town to live in.

  7. 1236 its the idiot gayor and police chiefs fault fool you are probably one of the welfare thugs causing the crime.

  8. Liar ton & Jake the snakes town again on display of crime and unrest.

  9. Move to Virginia, at least here we can carry guns and fight back!

  10. The police look for an opportunity to over react and parade out their fancy equipment and guns and trucks. When the guy "Took a baby hostage with a gun" it was on Daily Times front page and they had snipers and swat.
    In reality his girlfriend did something messed up and he told her to leave. It was his right to do so he held the lease (hearsay but from a good source who would know). She called the cops and made the "hostage" claim and without hesitation they fired up the whole parade.
    Everybody wants to make claims but as of yet we don't know the whole story

  11. Wboc is unaware of the whole situation. Even if it turns out to be nothing, you'd think they would consider it news that the police are taking it seriously.

    1. Someone with some evidence needs to make them aware somehow . It's people like these that go under the radar until it's too late and they harm innocent people because top officials dont take these kind of things seriously smh

  12. Better to be safe than sorry later.

  13. Wboc dont do live media situations unless its the mayors gender partys.

  14. W e
    B. uy back
    O ur
    C rime stats

  15. You all need to get a life. Quit sucking on welfare sitting around the house all day and find a job. Leave that poor guy alone.

  16. 11:59,same here my friend but I'm done with the whole state,as a small business owner there is not a week goes by I don't get a fee,penalty fine or something in the mail to pay.

  17. Yep trash the cops 1:41 get off your mothers couch and get job loser. You can tell your one that breast till u were 10. Mouth breather

  18. The guy has been acting weird and doing strange stuff. He had tried to fight numerous people and made threats to people earlier this week. Today he was on his balcony with a knife making threats out loud. The police were called in. He lives by himself, no girlfriend. My friend lives on his floor. He locked himself inside the apt and the police eventually went in and got him. He was a dangerous man that needed to be arrested before he hurt someone. He was living under a fake name and thats how he passed a background check to get his apt. People will type anything on here n dont know what they are talking about.

    1. Hi would you be able to give that information to the police , it seems very important to the severity of this case . It could help keep more people safe if the police know how dangerous this man is . You can be anonymous with it too .

    2. Hello ,it seems you might know some some information that could help me stay protected . I have a protective order on him but that's not gonna stop him when he gets out . The things you describe seeing from him sound like something he'd do . It's so important the commissioners office knows the seriousness of his actions . Thank you

    3. 4:41. 2:57.
      We have figured out your one in the same. Please have the real you take a pill to make the crazy you disappear! I hope I'm on the jury for this man.

    4. June 2cd 4:41pm , can you make that statement to police please ? It's not effective to only say that on a blog . If you're a witness to something you need to let them know all of your knowledge on him . My safety could be greatly affected by the police receiving this kind of information. Thanks

  19. Maybe babs will throw him a pizza party

  20. 4:41 Pretty much what you just did, anonymous.

    He was a good christian man, always giving half his money in tithe. He liked roses, capri pants and long walks on the beach with his girlfriend, a pet turtle.

    See what I did there?

  21. . People will type anything on here n dont know what they are talking about.

    June 2, 2015 at 4:41 PM

    You just noticed that? lol

  22. Sad thing is, even if he's dangerous, he will probably just get a night in the psych ward at PRMC and then discharged back out in the community. He probably won't take meds as prescribed and no one can do anything about it. They don't let you lock people up in mental institutions anymore.

    1. Yes this is very bad , they don't take mental illness seriously enough . It's very scary and the law never does anything until it's too late smh

    2. Kudos has first hand knowledge. She got out in 20 hrs.

  23. They don't let you lock people up in mental institutions anymore.

    June 2, 2015 at 5:16 PM

    No, they give them guns and badges

  24. Hello , can anyone help keep me informed on this case as it updates please?I have a protective order filed for this man and I need his exact address so the police can serve him .I appreciate any help and information I can get on this man as he's been avoiding the law and I don't know what will happen if he goes free. He's a threat , he needs to be taken very seriously.

    1. Kudos. Kudos. Kudos. Now your anonymous.


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