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Wednesday, June 03, 2015

The latest Clinton cash intrigue involves a Czech model and a 'distasteful' $500,000 donation

A Friday report in The New York Times highlights another intriguing Clinton Foundation activity.

According to the report, former President Bill Clinton turned down repeated offers to speak at Czech model Petra Nemcova's annual charity event until she directly offered the Clinton family's foundation $500,000 of the proceeds for appearing.

When she did, Clinton attended Nemcova's 2014 gala in Manhattan.

Doug White, director of Columbia University's fundraising management program, told The Times that the arrangement was strange because Clinton's foundation is so much bigger. The Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation has reportedly raised $2 billion.

"This is primarily a small but telling example of the way the Clintons operate," White said. "The model has responsibility; she paid a high price for a feel-good moment with Bill Clinton. But he was riding the back of this small charity for what? A half-million bucks? I find it — what would be the word? — distasteful."



  1. I think Hillary is secretly poisoning Bill...He looks like hell....He'll be done in at the height of election season- there will be a huge funeral which the Dem will turn to a campaign rally- just like with Ted Kennedy..and Hillary will get the sympathy vote. She is just that evil.

  2. I think the model got her "Feel Good Moment" from Bill later.

  3. I think something is wrong with Bill too. He looks like death warmed over and his voice sounds weak. He's so gross maybe he has untreated VD. He was never able to rise above his white trash upbringing and behave like a dignified classy person.

  4. 1:12 Do you mean like George W. Bush?

  5. 1:38 What a great snappy commenter you are. Way to show your intelligence.

  6. It is probably untreated Syphilis. Many of the Nazi's officers had it and they were driven mad by the disorder. Might explain all the lying they do, no Clinton can ever utter the truth, and they sure act crazy!

  7. He does look bad, could very well be a STD.


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