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Saturday, June 20, 2015

The Big List of Drug-induced Killers

As WND has reported, Charleston church shooter Dylann Roof was a known drug user who was caught with the powerful mind-altering narcotic Suboxone when apprehended by police during an incident on Feb. 28.

Suboxone is used to treat addiction to opioid drugs such as heroin. It has a host of adverse side effects including irrational, violent behavior.

According to a data set of U.S. mass shootings from 1982-2012 prepared by Mother Jones magazine, of 62 mass shootings carried out by 64 shooters, the majority of the shooters (41) were noted to have signs of possible mental illness — the precise kinds of mental illnesses that psychotropic medications are prescribed for.

It is a well-documented fact that in the 1980s, a shift occurred in the direction of treating the mentally ill. Rather than institutionalize them, the preferred method was to “mainstream” them, encouraging them to function in society while being treated with a mind-numbing array of new anti-depressants being developed by the pharmaceutical industry.

WND has compiled a list of killings committed by persons who had used mind-altering drugs or recently come off of them at the time of their crimes:

[ The preceding examples are some of the best-known offenders who had been taking prescribed psychiatric drugs before committing their violent crimes – there are many others logged at SSRI Stories: Anti-Depressant Nightmares. ]


  1. Noway in hell that particular drug caused him to do that.

  2. I don't think so either 1:43. He knew what he was doing and he was in control of himself. He told investigators that he almost didn't go through with it, because the people were so nice to him.
    Evil pure evil is what this kid is.
    He wanted to start a race war. He's part of the race baiting crowd (they come in all races) like Sharpton, Jackson and Obama who are evil and wicked and were sent here by the devil to do the devil's work on earth.

  3. you sheeple better wake up Big pharma is poisoning America! these drugs lower the inhibitions of psychotics. So It appears it helps their anti gun agenda

  4. He shouldn't be able to qualify for a gun license when he's on those meds. And his dad who supposedly gave him the gun as a gift should also be held partially responsible. That was a stupid move.

  5. If he was busted with Suboxone, it's not like the cops handed it back to him after he was arrested. They confiscate it.

    So there's no point in claiming he was under some influence of Suboxone. He was a nutcase.

    One more reason pot needs to be legalized for recreational use. Nobody gets all murderous when they're smoking pot.


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