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Sunday, June 28, 2015


Under the banner of what is dishonestly called a gay pride or gay “rights” flag, hate, fascism, and intolerance has festered for years, specifically against Christians and conservatives. Under the auspices of a “rights and equality” symbol, Leftists have been on a rampage to take way the rights of others through bullying, lies, and online terrorism.

The list of misdeeds and victims resulting from an increasingly emboldened Big Gay Hate Machine continues to grow.

Under this banner of hate, people are outed against their will, terrorized out of businessmerely for being Christian, bullied and harassed for thoughtcrimes; moreover, “hate crimes” are being manufactured to keep us divided, Christians are refused service, death threats are hurled, and Christianity is regularly smeared as hate speech.

If individuals wish to fly this symbol of hate, oppression and bigotry on their own property, that is their choice in a free country. It is unconscionable, however, that this symbol of intolerance is allowed to fly above government-owned buildings.



  1. What bonehead decided that it was okay to fly this flag under the American flag at the Richmond Federal Reserve Bank to celebrate Gay Pride Month?

  2. Notice how we never express outrage for any issues outside of the US.Our citizens only have a problem with what they can control.That itself is a huge problem.Offensive flags and ethnic insults are worldwide,but that does not matter because we are a controlling people & external factors are out of our control.

    1. That is because the majority of American citizens have something called self-control, which is the very foundation of civilization and the rejection of savagery.

      And no, this is NOT a problem with this country. Our problems point directly back to the minority who have little self control.

  3. Does any Gay-Pride flag hang in a public building or government office or state capital? Oh, wait...it doesn't? Then you better reread your constitution about what free speech means and doesn't mean. No one is saying that private Johnny Reb Flags can not fly on someone's house...you just better be prepared for the consequences of dealing with the fallout from some people...that is a totally different concept than taking down a flag from a public place that was used by an insurgent group to overthrow the United States (i.e. the Confederacy). Would it be OK and lawful for the imperial Japanese Flag or the flag of Nazi Germany to fly on Public buildings in the US? If you can't even understand the basic laws of "free speech" then perhaps you should leave the country.....

    1. oh but it does their is a teacher that has one posted in her class room

    2. I pray you come and deal me some consequences for my Confederate Flag that is flying high and proudly. If the dogs don't get you one of my 55 rifles and 30 hand guns will! That flag means more to me and my family than the current toilet paper that is displayed!

  4. 10:01 get back on the Obama bus and have some more kool-aide

    1. You really need to come up with something better than the koolaid analogy. Makes you sound like you're still on the playground. Or maybe you are.

  5. 10:01 Perhaps you better rethink your analogy. You state, and I quote " that is a totally different concept than taking down a flag from a public place that was used by an insurgent group to overthrow the United States (i.e. the Confederacy). " The American flag also represented an insurgent group who overthrew the government a.k.a. England. Just ponder that thought for a moment.

    1. News flash. The Americans won and kicked the English out. The CSA lost. Ponder that genius!

  6. It would be nice to give free plane tickets to N Korea for some.

  7. So sad. One flag represents love and belief while the other represents repression and hatred? No they are both a flag, an inanimate object that stands for a group of people. I see @10:01 is equating the confederate flag to a Nazi flag or a Japanese flag. But last time I checked neither of those countries were represented in the UNITED STATES CIVIL WAR. So that is just stupid. I am not advocating either way. I have never owned a confederate flag or anything with one on it, but to label it a sign of racism is pretty ridiculous. It is no more mean for racism then the LGTB flag is meant for "Christian hatred". But hey, this is the USA where common sense does not prevail.

  8. So do I have to remove my Pow Mia flag because some liberal doesn't believe we should support our Veterans? Call me before you come, I'll be waiting.


  10. It does make me feel uncomfortable. Most gay men think all men are gay just haven't come out. I like women. Lots of women.


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