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Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Smart Meters Fire, Living Hell and Bureaucratic Messes

This is the real life story about what a Smart Meter can do to your home and your life, especially when a public utility company, a state regulatory agency and insurance company are involved. Colleen, of Yardley, Pennsylvania, has been living a Faustian nightmare and feels she has been pressed to all reasonable limits all because of PECO, an Exelon company, installing a SMART METER on her house. All surnames have been deleted because there is a lawsuit involved.

Colleen contacted me with her story, asking if I could write an article about it. However, after reading it, I thought I would submit it in her trauma-stricken words, since I never could do it the justice her Smart Meter odyssey needs in every manner: morally, legally and financially.

No utility customer should have to go through with the devastatingly unknown problems Smart Meters cause: fires, explosions, problems with insurance companies, housing displacement, etc.—even some deaths due to Smart Meter fires. Nonetheless, it seems Pennsylvania state officials are turning totally deaf ears to consumer complaints about Smart Meters. One state legislator, Representative Robert Godshall, who chairs the Consumer Affairs Committee where Smart Meter Opt-out bills have been referred to, refuses to bring HB 394, HB395 and HB396 up for a vote. Apparently, too many state legislators want legal opt-outs from Smart Meters for Pennsylvanians—as other states provide.



  1. You can opt out but you are penalized by fines / surcharges. Power companies should be made to supply and maintain solar power to customers at no charge. They will save money have a cleaner environment and customers will have lower to zero bills. the lower to zero bill would be the compensation for providing the space on our property for these solar panels. The Companies will not have to rent land or buy right of ways.

  2. Bob Aswell...VoterJuly 1, 2015 at 12:05 PM

    Pa. isn't the only place this happens. I Md., Jim Mathias and the Finance Committee has stonewalled the two bills introduced in the past two sessions dealing with Smart-meter opt-out. I took the liberty to explore on-line his campaign contributions for the past 4 years and to my amazement he took money from power companies that operate basically in Western Md. and Lower Pa. The other culprit is the Md. PSC. ANYTHING ANY POWER COMPANY WANTS is granted a procedural OK nearly as son as the time for comment is expired.
    One of these days the Md. voter is going to wake up and smell the coffee. Don't bitch if you are one of the mentally handicapped whose helped this low-life-form get elected. Maybe you realize how things go better now that you LOST a chance for 4 years to get an elected school board in Wicomico County. Bob Aswell...Voter


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