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Thursday, June 04, 2015

Serial Sex Offender and Child Molester Arrested for the 29th Time, But His Mother Claims He’s Just Wife-Hunting

Most people find a wife by doing crazy things like meeting women and taking them on dates. For this career criminal, his method of wife-hunting is to molest women and children.

Registered sex offender Basam Syed, busted Tuesday for pressing against a stranger’s backside on an East Side subway, was somehow free despite 28 prior arrests — including four while on probation for a 2014 sex crime. […]

Syed, 35, was arrested after the grinding incident on a northbound No. 4 train. One year ago, he was found guilty of rubbing his genitals against the buttocks of another woman riding the No. 6 train.

… His mother insists her 36 year old son is just wife shopping:



  1. Why hasn't he been court ordered to stay out of the subways, period? Dirtbags like that should be publicly shamed. Subway posters with his photo and a list of his crimes should be posted as a warning right in the station and on the trains, with a number to call if he is spotted there again.

  2. Mom, he's doing it wrong. You need to teach your children the proper way.

    Why did I just waste my time typing that?

  3. Just an excitable boy...

  4. "She has to be a good Muslim girl or a 4-year-old boy… The mother’s comments would actually be laughable if so many lives weren’t being ruined by his quest."


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