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Saturday, June 06, 2015

Rockets fired from Gaza into southern Israel

Three rockets were fired at Israel from Gaza, police said on Wednesday, after warning sirens were heard in Israeli towns near the border.

There were no casualties, police said.

No militant groups in Gaza issued any claims of responsibility.

A week ago Gaza militants launched their deepest strike at Israel since a 50-day war of last summer, striking near the port city of Ashdod.

Israeli warplanes launched strikes in response at four targets and then the tensions subsided.

Israel blamed Islamic Jihad militants for that attack and media reports said Hamas Islamists who dominate in Gaza had arrested militants behind that strike.

The latest rocket strike follows a Gaza shootout on Tuesday in which Hamas security forces killed an activist of a rival Islamist militant group.



  1. Multiculturalism at its finest,

  2. Good. They should have leveled them the last time, but they didn't. This is what you get every time they start to do what needs to be done, they puss out.


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