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Monday, June 29, 2015

Prosecutors seek to try 4 of 6 Freddie Gray officers first

BALTIMORE —The Baltimore City State's Attorney's Office filed motions Friday that could change who goes on trial first in the case against six police officers charged in the death of Freddie Gray.

The motion, one of two filed late Friday afternoon, seeks to put four of the six officers on trial together first. They are seeking to try Caesar Goodson, Alicia White, Edward Nero and Garrett Miller together. Those officers face the most serious charges through separate indictments.

Doug Colbert, an attorney not associated with the case, said doing so saves time and money.

"It's for the convenience of witnesses, it's for the convenience of jurors, it's much less expensive," Colbert said.



  1. Cost may have a bearing with some cases however this particular case, money is not the issue. The issue at hand is Mosby is trying to pull a quick one over on the Defense and just using saving time for the jurors and cost as an excuse. Don't buy into her dirty bag of lies.

  2. It's surprising that Judge Williams didn't rule on the Motion for an Order Prohibiting Pretrial Publicity (Gag Order) prior the discovery dump. Could be he is holding off because there is serious consideration re: Change of Venue (moving the case). If you aren't traveling with the case, you let the pretrial stuff sit for the Trial Judge as they will be left with the case that remains past motions for trial.
    Judge Williams could still preside though as Circuit Court Judges have statewide jurisdiction and are authorized to hear cases anywhere within the state.

  3. Off topic but interesting none the less-9 people shot today in Baltimore all before noon.
    But don't forget Black Lives Matter-LOL and let's get rid of that Confederate flag. If they only had the sense to know just how utterly ignorant they sound. Ah if they only had a brain.

  4. This Mosby is the poster child for failed affirmative action. She is one stupid broad.
    She is fighting the defense's motion for a change of venue in one reply.....

    ....while simultaneously acknowledging in her request for a gag order that all of the publicity surrounding the trial has "undoubtly" affected the jury selection process.

    And to think that some applaud her. The dumbing down of the country at play.

  5. This case is strewn with reasonable doubt heaped on even more reasonable doubt. The Prosecutor, in order to obtain a conviction, is legally obligated to prove their theory to the >>>>exclusion of any & all other possibilities.<<<<<<<.

    That would include, BTW, that a prisoner being transported & in a seat belt COULD NOT extricate themselves from that restraint under any circumstance. If that is at all possible, & can be demonstrated, the “policy” issue evaporates and Mosby is left with nothing as far as charges, as the lack of restraint becomes a pointless argument if the restraint can not actually demonstrate complete & total restraint.

    That is exactly what “beyond a reasonable doubt” legally implies, that there are no other reasonable alternatives to the manner in which the crime occurred. If the defense can demonstrate any reasonable alternative theory, that would produce the exact same result, the verdict has to be not guilty.

    1. Your kinda right but mostly wrong. Jury held in Baltimore?

    2. Makes sense to me...

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Off topic but interesting none the less-9 people shot today in Baltimore all before noon.
    But don't forget Black Lives Matter-LOL and let's get rid of that Confederate flag. If they only had the sense to know just how utterly ignorant they sound. Ah if they only had a brain.

    June 29, 2015 at 9:58 PM

    not interesting at all


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