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Friday, June 19, 2015

Presidential Candidate Martin O'Malley Says, (and I quote) "I'm pissed"

I'm pissed.

I'm pissed that after an unthinkable tragedy like the one in South Carolina yesterday, instead of jumping to act, we sit back and wait for the appropriate moment to say what we're all thinking: that this is not the America we want to be living in.

I'm pissed that we’re actually asking ourselves the horrific question of, what will it take? How many senseless acts of violence in our streets or tragedies in our communities will it take to get our nation to stop caving to special interests like the NRA when people are dying?

I'm pissed that after working hard in the state of Maryland to pass real gun control—laws that banned high-magazine weapons, increased licensing standards, and required fingerprinting for handgun purchasers—Congress continues to drop the ball.

It's time we called this what it is: a national crisis.

I proudly hold an F rating from the NRA, and when I worked to pass gun control in Maryland, the NRA threatened me with legal action, but I never backed down.

So now, I'm doubling down, and I need your help. What we did in Maryland should be the first step of what we do as a nation. The NRA is already blaming the victims of yesterday's shooting for their own deaths, saying they too should have been armed. Let's put an end to this madness and finally stand up to them. Here are some steps we should be taking:

1. A national assault weapons ban.

2. Stricter background checks.

3. Efforts to reduce straw-buying, like fingerprint requirements.

Not one of the GOP presidential candidates comes even close to being right on this issue—and some actually believe that things like background checks are excessive, or that high-capacity magazines are a basic right. Well, I believe we all have a basic right to safe schools, safe places to worship, and safe streets.

Martin O'Malley


  1. O'Malley you are a globalist puppet. Name one of your new laws that would stop this tragedy? He was a registered, 21 year old gun owner with no criminal record. What you should be pissed about is the prescription anti drppresants every one of these mass shooters is on. Be pissed at big pharma and the fda. There would have been no tragedy if one person had been armed

  2. Can anyone name one mass shooting where the perpetrator got the gun legally?

  3. what he is saying is good but why didn't he help us get the death penalty for Leggs when he killed and tortured a little girl right here in our back yard. Words are just that words sometimes they don't go deep enough and don't ring all the way to true.

  4. he did a good job of shooting himself in the foot!

  5. Please note. There were hundreds of people who spoke against this gun ban. Omally had his own agenda and passed it anyway. What do you think he would do as president. A couple things to note. Maryland already had an assault sub gun weapons ban prior to omally and limited mag sizes. Look at how many crimes were committed with an assault rifle in MD--0 and look at how much the gun ban has helped the murder rate in Baltimore- 0 . Actually made the number worse because law abiding citizens have to jump a ton of hoops to get a gun now. All omally did was pass feel good legislation that is doing nothing to address the problem. Can we get rid of this guy already. The great 2 to 1 state spoke and we now have larry Hogan. Please fade off into the sunset omally.

  6. ...and let's talk about how anything he did or tried to do would have stopped this outrage...c'mon Marty, we are waiting

  7. What he is saying is good?
    You friggin idiot! , he's so far off first base , it's pathetic!!!!!!!

  8. O'Malley is a major part of the problem. As soon as HE figures this out he will become a better person for it. In the meantime he needs to sit down and shut the hell up, because he as well as his democrat ilk are swimming in the blood of these victims.
    He's part of the circus who have made careers of pinning people against people and he ought to be damned ashamed of himself.

  9. He just doesn't get it that the liberal policies he preaches is the root cause of most of these problems.

  10. im pissed too.

    at what omalley did as governor

  11. The kid had possession of a gun ILLEGALLY. Since he was charged with a felony, he was no longer allowed to own one. His dad made a STRAW MAN purchase to give it as a gift.

    Of course, gun control advocates are never going to realize that criminals break laws. So laws telling them they can't own guns aren't going to stop them from having guns.

    The only solution is to allow for open carry.

  12. Be careful you may be looking at Clintons running mate.
    He could be her dummy like Biden is for Obama.
    Neither one has two communicating brain cells!

  13. I agree!!! We haven't done enough.......to abolish gun control! Imagine if one of those parisioners in that church had the sense to carry a gun for self defense and was serious about learning how to use it properly.

    "If every Jewish and anti-nazi family in Germany had owned a Mauser rifle and twenty rounds of ammunition and the will to use it, Adolf Hitler would be a little-known footnote to the history of the Weimar Republic."
    - Aaron Zelman,
    Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership

    We live in a world where you must be prepared to defend yourself and others at any time. You can't have olice on every corner. It is our God given right to defend ourselves. It is our obligation to defend our families. Get ready!

  14. Shut up omally
    Key facts are:The US has the highest gun ownership rate in the world - an average of 88 per 100 people. That puts it first in the world for gun ownership - and even the number two country, Yemen, has significantly fewer - 54.8 per 100 people..But the US does not have the worst firearm murder rate - that prize belongs to Honduras, El Salvador and Jamaica. In fact, the US is number 28, with a rate of 2.97 per 100,000 people. Puerto Rico tops the world's table for firearms murders as a percentage of all homicides - 94.8%. It's followed by Sierra Leone in Africa and Saint Kitts and Nevis in the Caribbean

  15. Few points O'Malley,

    1.) If you become President we the people expect that you will not have Secret Service protection. The SS carries guns so if we the people cannot have guns for our self protection, then you can't either(double standard).

    2.) You need to realize that people kill people. Guns are inanimate objects. Deal with the crazies, but they like the poor, will always be around. Answer me this, O Liberal Messiah, what is the number of people killed by weapons other then guns compare to those with guns?

    3.) Realize that I have the right to life, and with that I will protect myself as I deem necessary, be it fists, knife, hammer, rock, stick, gun. The other person violating me and my family does not have the right to do what he wishes to me.

    4.) I am a veteran, and have come to terms way back when I was 19 years old, that yes, I may and have had to kill someone in defense of my country. In defense of my life or my family, I would do the same without any hesitation. What would you do, let your wife get raped and your kids beat to death and just stand by and watch because of your liberal mental disorder????

  16. Too bad he couldnt run for re-election in Maryland. He would of lost and become a footnote.

  17. Omalley you are a bad person for capitalizing on this tragedy

  18. NONE of the things he mentioned would have had ANY impact on this incident.

    What about the SSRI's this kid was taking that made him a violent psychopath? Probably the REAL cause of this tragedy..

    What about that, Mr. I'mPissed?

  19. Why do they not understand that those who want to do bad always will find a way? if only the bad have access to the most threatening weapons, how will that make the good safer?
    This argument is so elementary and political. the constitution gave us the right to bear arms....not slingshots....the best weapons of the time. The men who wrote the constitutioN knew what could happen if the government restricted power to the people because they had to revolt against a government that restricted them!

  20. And your gun laws, abolishing the death sentence, legalizing pot stance and promoting gay marriage pisses us off as well! You and our cowardly lying kenyan king have one thing is common. You both are the worst as either president or governor!!

  21. O"Malley has always had security guards protecting him who are armed. What a two faced bastard.

  22. If omally had a backbone he would tell this to the lady who was in the process of being beheaded last year when a co worker stormed in and shot the perpetrator who had already beheaded another employee. Everyone remembers this. Happened right here in the US.
    omalley will never mention this though. He's a liar and a coward just like all the other democrats.

  23. So o'taxie is pissed, big deal!! I'm pissed too. I'm really pissed that o'taxie destroyed the state of Maryland. He caused jobs to leave the state because of his abuse of power while in office creating the gut wrenching mega taxes and fees on the citizens of Maryland. Guess what idiot, even the GREAT GOD didn't tax water which he created and sent for all living beings to use. Not old Martin, the tax boy. No sir, he taxed the rain. He taxed anything and everything. The man is unstable and by no means should ever be giving any advise to anyone about anything. He is a loser, a fraud, a liar, and a cheat.

    I'm pissed to Martin because you left the mess YOU and ONLY YOU created to try and feather your own little nest, while the citizens of this state are left to try and figure out how to pay the house taxes, the house payment, education (that you also mucked up), insurances, and if there is anything left over food, clothing, and medical. You are a real winner aren't you??? You are nothing but a lying thief! Frankly, hell is too good for you.

  24. The worst is yet to come with his 20% renewable by 2022 energy mandate. Marylanders will be thrust into energy poverty. It is already beginning. Go to MDE and look at the applications for wind turbines and solar installations. This ship needs to be turned around before it sinks. Hogan need the support of the MD legislature to stop this travesty.

  25. Owemalley owns a gun.

  26. God knows he is just as bad as Hillary and Obama. They have their expertise in different areas but equally are cancers to our country.

  27. Martay, great preaching to your base who are to indoctrinated like you to realize the fact that all mass shooters have been using psycho drugs unlike killers that use knives and hammers, where's your outrage about that moron.

  28. soooooo omalley is pisssed off? how many marylanders did he piss off with all of the new laws and taxes he threw at the people of maryland he most likely will finish last in the presidential polls,even behind the donald

  29. He did such a good job with Baltimore right?

  30. He is the reason I will never be a dem again.

  31. Thought I was done seeing him lie on a microphone.

  32. Such a crock of $h*t. His new gun laws did nothing but hurt law abiding citizens, adding fees and doing nothing to prevent illegal purchases. Assault rifle ban? Marty, they have been banned for a long time. An AR-15 is NOT an assault rifle, you moron.

    It must be a staggering figure that the pharmaceutical companies dump into the politicians pockets. For them to not even address SSRIs, and only blame the firearms... millions? Billions?

    Such is life in politics... the side who throws out the most cash, wins!


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