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Thursday, June 04, 2015

Pat Sajak: Americans So Dumbed Down It’s Hard Creating ‘Fair’ Puzzles on ‘Wheel of Fortune’

Pat Sajak of Wheel Of Fortune got himself in a bit of hot water when he noted on twitter that Americans are becoming so dumbed down that the show’s planners are having a hard time being fair to contestants when creating puzzles, ones that they think every one will know and be able to easily suss out.

On June 1, Sajak Tweeted out saying, “As we lose our common culture, one odd side effect: it’s harder to find puzzles on Wheel that are fair to all.”

But Pat is exactly right. As the Democrat Party and their leader–our first communist president Barrack Hussein Obama–attempt to destroy our past with a purposefully failed “education” system and the constant importation of hundreds of millions of illegals and other foreigners who are never urged to adopt our culture, we are losing our nation.

The plan, Pat, is to destroy the USA. You are just seeing a tiny example of that in your show’s difficulty in arranging puzzles that will be understandable to the mainstream of the country.



  1. Google or Bing search for "The Naked Communist" and read the goals associated with bringing America down from the inside. Has Soros/Obama (and his people) all over it!

  2. Wait to the little common core dummies hit the street. Will make the current government school graduates look like geniuses.

  3. You can add Congress to that list too, 12:57PM. They're fully aware of what is happening yet continue to bow to their deity Obama as he guts the United States.

  4. This is a complaint that many a game show have been having since the inclusion of Black people as contestants. 1970's TV had all kinds of problems, there were not enough of them smart enough to win at a game.

  5. Pat actually has a brain?

    I'm very impressed that he figured out this situation

  6. That was the plan all along. Who do you think has been backing the prez? It has been soros the terrible. The whole idea of buying his election, was to destroy America from inside out and that is exactly what the bought and paid for muslim has done. Think about every agency he has destroyed and/or caused major decays and failures! The lying O's hands are on everything including all the staff with no principles around him.

  7. Public school teachers catch heck if they try to fail those who should fail. Too many of one race show lack of progress.

  8. The real problem is there is an extremely broad base of knowledge that is getting broader. consider just the number of TV stations. Remember when there was only ABC. CBS, and NBC. And this is only one example. There is no big conspiracy to blame on Obama or anybody else.


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