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Sunday, June 07, 2015

Obama: I’ve Restored the US as the ‘Most Respected Country in the World’

Monday while President Barack Obama was answering questions at a town hall with YSEALI Fellows, an exchange program for community leaders from ASEAN, The Association of Southeast Asian Nations, he said his administration has restored the Untied States as the “the most respected country on earth.”

Obama said, “People don’t remember, but when I came into office, the United States in world opinion ranked below China and just barley above Russia, and today once again, the Untied States is the most respected country on earth.

(There's actually video of this here..)


  1. He lives in a different reality than the rest of us and the world. A legend in his own mind.

  2. if you say it often enough they might believe you

  3. This man's megalomania and delusions have just gone full retard.

  4. "Um, Ah," delusional.

  5. by his latest comment the american people know his is full of sh-t and doesn't have an inkling of the plight of the american worker and how the rest of the world looks at us except for a handful of allies,the rest of the world befriends us looking for a handout somehow we need to rid the gov't of the incompetent legislators we have elected the working class is too lazy to get off their ass and vote and then they complain about the ones that are elected come on AMERICA wake up

  6. The man must be on drugs.

  7. What kind of choom is this pinhead smoking? He has done nothing but the opposite for his entire time in office!

  8. Clearly delusional. Which is pretty scary considering the position he occupies.
    I don't think this is PR fluff. I think he actually believes it.
    If he was a CEO, there would be a board meeting.

  9. Only those who are uninformed and uninterested in the world around them will believe this bullcrap.

    I hope there are enough people who care to get rid of this administration and the bad taste it's left once and for all.

  10. Put down your crack pipe and back away

  11. he is having delusions of grandeur
    he has done nothing but tear this country down in the eyes of most countries worldwide.

  12. Obama considers himself more than just a measly president, I believe he thinks he is royalty a king or a supreme dictator. The most arrogant man in the world who is destroying this country intentionally.

  13. I think he takes dope and we already know he and his wife have turned the White House into a brewery.

  14. I guess if we are gonna call Bruce a "she", then we should continue to call Michael a "she" as well?

  15. What drugs is he on !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. I don't know if there is any truth to this comment ....all I do know is that everybody on this website hates him. I guess I would have to go to another country and start asking questions. It seems as if the internet actually loves him and all countries that are asked agree with him. Maybe it is just the Eastern shore.

  17. 5:33 - Huh..????

  18. 5:33.. You must be taking the same delusional drugs as Obama..


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