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Thursday, June 11, 2015

Obama could boost wages for millions through overtime eligibility

WASHINGTON (ABC News) - The Obama administration is poised to give potentially millions of low and middle-income American workers a raise.

ABC News has confirmed that a Labor Department proposal to increase the federal threshold under which employers are required to pay overtime to salaried employees is under review by the Office of Management and Budget. It could be unveiled in the coming days. Such a step would not require any congressional approval.

Some economists and labor advocates say the move would be one of the boldest government actions to boost workers' wages in years.

“It may even be bigger than increasing the minimum wage,” Bill Samuels, legislative director for the AFL-CIO, told ABC News. “Of course, the minimum wage is something the administration can’t do by itself ... but this is one of the things they can do without Congress.”



  1. So I guess its no longer a salary.

  2. Obamacare forced everyone from full time to part time. How can you earn overtime with a part time schedule?

  3. So, does this mean anything over 30 is OT? If so, employers will also be forced to supply insurance as well?

    Great way to finally break the camel's back!

    Kill all small business, Obama.Yeah, fundamentally changing America, one unemployment line at a time.

  4. Did you even read the article? It has nothing to do with part time. It only affects salary employees who make over the current threshold. Typical low information voter, look at the first sentence and come up with your own interpretation.

  5. 4 more months and I'm Moving out of the county

  6. Well, we now know other things Obama will never understand and that's business and our economy. We know he never understood the Constitution. or the duties of the presidency and he definitely does not understand or hear the American people. Have we had enough yet??

  7. George W. Bush gutted the 40 hour workweek, by allowing employers to give so-called comp-time (using 80 hours over 2 weeks) instead if overtime pay. That was a huge step backward for the working class. And now the Kenyan assclown wants to meddle further, after he's already caused thousands of full time jobs to shrink to part time.


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