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Sunday, June 07, 2015

No Police, No Peace

“The law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers…” – 1 Timothy 1:9

Murder and mayhem are exploding in our major cities, and Baltimore is at the top of the heap.

Cities like Chicago, New York City, St. Louis – and particularly Baltimore – are fast becoming war zones. Baltimore’s descent into hell has followed a predictable course since the death of black drug dealer, Freddie Gray, following an arrest.

Murder rates have soared to their highest levels in 15 years. Residents are barricading their doors. Some say there are virtually no police in the streets since the riots. Others have compared parts of the city to the Wild West. Indeed, arrests are down in Baltimore almost 50 percent from last year.

In the wake of Gray’s death, Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake ordered the police to stand down in the face of angry rioters, resulting in injuries to police officers and major property damage.

Baltimore State Prosecutor Marilyn Mosby offered six officers up to the angry mob, which only inflamed the situation and signaled to the police that they’ve become the suspects.

Now, police are being hounded, surrounded and videotaped while attempting to perform routine stops and arrests.

The president of the Baltimore Police Union, Lt. Gene Ryan, said Thursday: “Criminals feel empowered now. There is no respect. Police are under siege in every quarter.”

Lt. Ryan also indicated that cops have been thrown under the bus: “They are more afraid of going to jail for doing their jobs properly than they are of getting shot on duty,” he said.

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  1. Again, these are ridiculous comments. Is it impossible for the police to conceptualize that there is a difference in doing there jobs correctly and shooting people ? If they are that delusional and they cannot conceptualize this, maybe we should fire all the police and start over.

    1. Again, you are putting words in someone's mouth.

  2. Dear 1:03
    Police are armed to protect themselves. If they feel threatened then they should shoot to kill. Another thing to you 1:03 , if you haven't broken the law then you shouldn't be afraid.

  3. Your comment is ridiculous 1:03.

    This isn't about cops shooting anyone (but if it were 99.9 percent of the time it's justified so you need to "conceptualize" that cops shooting someone is a non-issue).
    It's about cops getting arrested and charged for nothing more than being proactive.
    Things like Stop & Frisk, being able to chase a person who runs without provocation in a high crime area-all things that prevented crime to an extent but was called harassment and profiling by some Baltimore residents and the race baiters.
    Now cops are just ignoring when someone appears suspicious and lets them go about whatever it is they are doing because they may be criminally charged. Who can blame them. The people got the police force they wanted. It's a shame a 7 year old little boy had his head blown off but this is what they wanted so they now have to quit complaining and suck it up.

    They grew it now they have to eat it.........And...................
    Be careful what you wish for.

    Firing the police and "starting over" is ridiculous as well. First off no one in their right mind would want the job under the current admin and SA. Secondly Baltimore City is unique in that it's 99% a war zone and for prevention measures like Stop & Frisk to be successful takes a cop who is their self street smart and fine tuned to life on the streets of a war zone and that takes years of experience.

    1. 99% is justified. By who? I don't see it that way. Only cops and sheeple do.

  4. The mayor, and the States Attorney are the two women that created this mess in Baltimore, and they need to be held liable for all the destruction. These two need to be removed from office and the governor needs to step in and get these two out of office so the city can have quality leaders to navigate through this terrible mess and establish order and peace for all.

  5. 1:32 PM 99.9% of police shootings are deemed justified by their friends and co-workers. So the statistic is skewed at minimum and extremely biased at worse. Its a terrible example and it is an insult to police that actually care.

    Stop & Frisk goes against the 4th amendment but since this administration doesn't care about the constitution they allow it. This violates everyone's rights not just criminals.

    Most issues would be solved if the State of Maryland did not institutionalize the violation of the 2nd amendment. A gun in the hand of law abiding citizen is a powerful deterrent to crime. Just because these people live in poverty does not mean they are all criminals. Many try to get by as best they can without breaking laws. However putting monetary requirements on owning a gun is huge deterrent to gun ownership for these people.

    The argument is about police brutality and killings. Is the murder and violation of the citizens rights being proactive? No it is not. Is railroading a case by getting your friends to find you innocent serving the public? No it is not.

    The argument is the brutalization of people that are completely helpless. The only difference in beating a man in hand cuffs and beating a 90 year old lady or a cripple is that the old lady and the cripple can and should fight back.

    You make a poor argument.

  6. I say let's get rid of the police, the thugs would eventually kill themselves off with their senseless violence and if they decided to venture out of their hell hole cities then the law abiding 2nd amendment citizens could deal with them much more effectively than the police can now.

  7. Again if the cops cannot find a middle ground between the job they are suppose to be doing and breaking the law they are sworn to protect, then we need to move in a different direction. None of the above "arguments" address this point. And I love the "If you did not do anything wrong" statement. The cops have proven that little statement wrong about a hundred times now.

  8. Bunch of Ohbamanites on here today. Just take a hard look at Black lives matter. Really in Baltimore 48 murders over 70 shooting not to mention the rapes and robbery going on. I love the cops have backed off. Let the monsters rule the midway. It has become evident without the police those neighborhoods fall to the thugs. People are begging for the cops to come back. Use your head for something other then a crap jug. Losers and a bunch of libtards. You make America look bad world wide. Candy A$$ wimps. Get a job while your at it.

    1. Take a hard look at black lives matter? Why? Why not just say Baltimore? Your a racist bigot.

  9. Anyone saying Baltimore is 99% a war zone is clearly delusional and doesn't live here. Even then, most of the places you come to visit are things like the inner harbor, camden yards, maybe fells point areas - all areas likely safer than the eastern shore. Please check yourself before making ridiculous assertions about the extent of this recent violence - it's very much restricted to the same poor areas of West and East Baltimore it's always been

  10. The poor Jews in 1930s Germany once said to their neighbors, "if you aren't doing anything wrong then don't fear the government".

    Now for 1:23


  11. We can chatter about how to stop the shootings in Baltimore and around the country , the shootings are mostly from blacks , not thugs , tell it like it is.
    I have watched several tapes from Ferguson , Baltimore and years ago in Washington D.C. , Cambridge and many more. All blacks ! Now , having said that , how do we solve this problem?
    I already know the answer , it's up to you to decide!
    Oh crap , I'll tell , we should stand down and give them all more free money , food stamps , cell phones , free housing , free medical care , much , much more. Mmmm , I'm wrong again , we already give them all that stuff, your guess is as good as mine.

  12. I agree with 1:03 most cops are out of line.

  13. 2:34 said-"Most issues would be solved if the State of Maryland did not institutionalize the violation of the 2nd amendment. A gun in the hand of law abiding citizen is a powerful deterrent to crime. Just because these people live in poverty does not mean they are all criminals. Many try to get by as best they can without breaking laws. However putting monetary requirements on owning a gun is huge deterrent to gun ownership for these people"

    Look up the "victims" on MD Judiciary Case Search. I do-all the time.
    99.9% wouldn't be able to own a gun legally, because they all have extensive criminal records. The bloodbath currently occurring in Baltimore City is either thug on thug or the victim was living a high risk life style, like the white young woman who was murdered in South Baltimore. She was a drug user and a prostitute and her boyfriend was a thug whose criminal record was longer than hers.
    The mother who was murdered along with her 7 year old son, had just recently married a man who is currently incarcerated. Not sure if it's the father of her son, who himself has an extensive record.

    1. Unless a man kills wrongfully or shoots wrongfully every man should have his gun rights back once a sentence is completed.

  14. "1:32 PM 99.9% of police shootings are deemed justified by their friends and co-workers. So the statistic is skewed at minimum and extremely biased at worse. Its a terrible example and it is an insult to police that actually care"

    The statistics are not skewed.
    This is NOT an insult to "police that actually care" as I'm sure they aren't prone to generally second guessing or arm chair quarterbacking when they weren't witness to an actual shooting. You get more and more ridiculous with each comment.
    I read well over a dozen newspapers on a daily basis. Maybe it would benefit you immensely if you did so as well. Each and every day police dept internal investigations nationwide are finding officers guilty of infractions both on and off duty. Many are fired.
    Self investigations do work. The military and private business are examples. Look up the sanctions against members of the MD Bar and holders of MD real estate licenses and other professions where licenses are needed. All are investigated by their peers and you will see that self investigations do work and are not skewed.
    Your comment is a major insult to those who are on Boards who do the investigations.

  15. 4:09 I worked in Baltimore (non profit in Westport) for over 20 yrs.
    My father worked for the city for nearly 40 years. It was bad in the 70's when there were more murders than last month.
    I'm sure you remember the drug wars in 1986 and the killing of the parking attendants at the Inner Harbor. Gov Schaefer nearly had a stroke over that one.
    I know all about the Inner Harbor, Fells Points, etc. I rarely ever went there except to the Legg Mason building periodically. What you mention are the very few small pockets of an illusion of safety in that city. I know people who live in those areas and many have been robbed. Oh what about the bartender (female) who came in on 2 young black men burglarizing her home in Fells Point last year. They killed her.
    My friend lives in Northwest Baltimore. A very safe neighborhood by Baltimore standards. Single family homes and when I visit we sit out on her front porch until after midnight. Yesterday someone was shot not even a mile from her home in broad daylight.
    Don't fool yourself. I've been all over the world. Baltimore is one of the dirtiest crime ridden, blighted places I've ever seen. Even some so called 3rd world countries are safer and more bucolic.

  16. 103 is correct. the rest of you will never get it and thats why things will never change. there are cases every single day about bad kops killing people, raping women and children, robbing, every crime you can think of. These are not made up fantasies, they are facts, court cases. Yet you continue to blindly defend them, ignore what is really going on and blame the victims.

    You assert that people who have a criminal record somehow deserve to die or anything else that comes their way. And yet we see over and over again people being released from long prison sentences that never committed the crime they were in prison for. Lying prosecutors, kops, judges, lab technicians etc. all conspire to put people in prison for whatever reasons.

    And again, these are verifiable facts not theories. Yet none of these things matters to you. I have been warning you for years this was coming if kops didn't change their ways, and now it is here. You wouldn't listen then and I doubt you will listen now.

    We are heading towards social collapse and this nation falling, all from within.
    It won't matter much then who was right and who was wrong.

  17. 1:03 I suggest you walk the streets of Baltimore on a hot night, alone with no protection. We will no longer have to hear your crap.

  18. A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

    So banning felons from owning guns isn't an infringement.

  19. So banning felons from owning guns isn't an infringement.

    June 2, 2015 at 5:23 PM

    Yes, it is. But did you know there are types of felonies that do not ban those that commit them from owning weapons? Those types are of the 'white collar crimes'. Some states automatically restore people's rights to them after they serve their sentence, including gun rights.

    It's never been about safety, it's always been about disarming the citizenry. No weapons, no resistance to govt power.

  20. "Please check yourself before making ridiculous assertions about the extent of this recent violence - it's very much restricted to the same poor areas of West and East Baltimore it's always been

    June 2, 2015 at 4:09 PM"

    "Please check yourself" because your statements are so very much UNTRUE. Let me direct you to the Baltimore Sun's map and list of homicides going back to 2007 and you will see how off base you are. The homicides are all over the city. In 2014 the Southwestern District had the least homicides coming in at 12. There aren't 12 murders on the whole Eastern Shore in a year so to say "all areas likely safer than the eastern shore" is beyond ludicrous.

    1. You idiot. You forgot the per "capita" part of a demographic .at 12 on the shore per capita..... We are just as bad.

  21. The same people who are against Stop and Frisk are the same ones who want guns off the streets and tougher gun laws. I would like to know how they expect to get the guns off the streets if not for measures like Stop and Frisk.

  22. 5:45-The 5th Amendment does guarantee that right except in certain circumstances including convicted felons. Yes, you are correct that in some cases gun rights can be restored and it's easier if you were convicted in a state court. I know someone who was convicted in federal court and they were able to get their gun rights (and voting) restored by a presidential pardon.
    I don't know of any state that automatically restores them without going through the proper legislative and bureaucratic process.

  23. "Anonymous said...

    1:03 I suggest you walk the streets of Baltimore on a hot night, alone with no protection. We will no longer have to hear your crap.

    June 2, 2015 at 5:20 PM"

    LOL-This is what I want Al Sharpton, Jess Jackson, the big mouths from the NAACP, Prince, Mayor SRB, Mosby and her husband (they can walk around his District 7 where crime and blight are the norm), the fake "faith based leaders" and the rest of the thug apologists and race baiters to do.

  24. 5:05, ever profession has people in it that are killing, raping, robbing, etc etc. That's the way it is. There are bad elements in every profession. To say that it's any more in LE than in any other profession is not true.
    You say "they are facts, court cases" then that proves that LE does police itself and internal investigations do work and justice does end up being served.
    I notice that a lot in the medical profession-MD's and nurses-tend to commit many crimes.

    1. If they policed themselves ..... One wicomico deputy would be out of a job at minimum.

  25. Don't you just know Obama can't wait to impose martial law .

  26. I don't know of any state that automatically restores them without going through the proper legislative and bureaucratic process.

    June 2, 2015 at 7:59 PM

    try google

  27. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    5:05, ever profession has people in it that are killing, raping, robbing, etc etc. That's the way it is. There are bad elements in every profession. To say that it's any more in LE than in any other profession is not true.
    You say "they are facts, court cases" then that proves that LE does police itself and internal investigations do work and justice does end up being served.
    I notice that a lot in the medical profession-MD's and nurses-tend to commit many crimes.

    June 2, 2015 at 8:14 PM

    that sorry excuse pops up again. OTHER professions do not have authority over us and can arrest us on a whim. Cops are SUPPOSED to be held to a higher standard, not for people to keep making excuses for their criminal behavior. The few court cases come about NOT from police investigating themselves. There is usually an outcry over something they have done to get an outside agency, or group to do the investigating or by putting pressure on said groups and agencies to investigate.

    Nice try but the bs does not fly anymore.

  28. June 2, 2015 at 4:58 PM

    so you had a limited view of a city for 20 years. You say you know all about inner harbour and whatnot but then say you rarely went there. How would you know if you were rarely there? You travelled 'all over the world' and said balt is the worse you seen including some 3rd world countries. I am betting you went to the nicer parts of this 'world travel' and didn't see much of the under belly of those places.

    You are certainly entitled to your opinion but I won't take it as gospel. Comparing something to 20 and 40 years in the past is just conjecture. And a distance of a mile in any city can be very different from one area to another. TWO blocks can be very different areas.

  29. 7:59 PM

    5th amendment? What are you referring to exactly? There are many ways rights can be restored if in a state that does not automatically restore them. If someone gets convicted of a crime then yes, they get punished. Not necessarily for the rest of their lives. That's just a backdoor way to unarm a people and to keep feeding the judicial and prison systems, as it serves no other real purpose since whoever wants a gun will get a gun.

    We are suffocated by govt laws and intrusion into our lives. We need more freedoms, not less. The govt is not the solution, the govt is the problem. - Ron Reagan.

  30. "try google

    June 2, 2015 at 11:49 PM"

    LOL-gotta love that answer. Why don't you just tell us Know it All?
    "try google" is the answer always given when people are lying.
    So Know it All time to put your money where you mouth is and prove you are not a liar and tell us which states automatically restore gun rights after convicted of crimes.

  31. 11:56 In MD any cop involved shooting of a civilian automatically gets turned over to the MD State Police Homicide investigators, I believe. It's like this in other states I've noticed from watching and reading the news.
    Yes they are held to a higher standard. I know of very few professions where you are fired for drunk driving or a misdemeanor so to say they aren't held to a higher standard is idiotic.
    They do not arrest on a whim. They have to have probable cause. Probable cause is just what it says-probable and not absolute. That's for the court to decide.
    You are extremely paranoid. You are a criminal yourself and that is why you so dislike cops. It's a horrible life you have going around fearing cops and dwelling on a very few that go over the edge. I certainly do not fear cops nor do I fear ever being arrested. To dwell as you do on such means you are suffering from a form of mental illness. Now stop trying to convince everyone that they are going to get slammed down, tased, arrested on a whim and go and get a mental evaluation immediately. You are in dire need.

  32. 12:23-Which states automatically restore a convicted felons 2nd amendment rights? Don't say Google it because I did and I find nothing.
    It IS a bureaucratic process involving the Attorney General and ATF w/fed convictions and the AG of a state when convicted in a state court.
    It's the 5th amendment that is used to defend a convicted felons 2nd amendment rights when lawyers put together the case for restoring that right.

  33. The federal gun laws which trumps state laws unless the state makes more stringent ones which they have as far as gun control is concerned, says a felon convicted of a crime that is punishable by a year in prison isn't eligible to own a gun. There are certain white collar crimes that are exceptions but to say that any state automatically does restore is incorrect because again, federal law trumps state's laws.

  34. LOL-gotta love that answer. Why don't you just tell us Know it All?
    "try google" is the answer always given when people are lying.
    So Know it All time to put your money where you mouth is and prove you are not a liar and tell us which states automatically restore gun rights after convicted of crimes.

    June 3, 2015 at 9:08 AM

    12:23-Which states automatically restore a convicted felons 2nd amendment rights? Don't say Google it because I did and I find nothing.
    It IS a bureaucratic process involving the Attorney General and ATF w/fed convictions and the AG of a state when convicted in a state court.
    It's the 5th amendment that is used to defend a convicted felons 2nd amendment rights when lawyers put together the case for restoring that right.

    June 3, 2015 at 9:36 AM

    first time I have met people too stupid to use google

  35. federal law trumps state's laws.

    June 3, 2015 at 9:52 AM

    tell that to the states that have laws banning fed regs in their state. your opinions are not facts. but I see that doesn't stop any of you from voicing them.

  36. You are wrong 11:55. While the Supreme Court has ruled that individual States don't have to enforce *some* Federal laws and enact regulatory policies that Congress may pass, one can still be charged federally and a State can't block or impede federal officials from investigating or charging someone with that particular federal offense.
    When States pass these "nullification" laws they are meaningless and are done for theatrics and nothing else.
    Bottom line no matter how you try and spin it "federal law trumps state's laws."
    At least one state, I can't recall which one, voted to nullify obamacare. It was meaningless as the state residents are still obligated to have health care coverage or face fines because obamacare is regulated through the IRS.

  37. "first time I have met people too stupid to use google

    June 3, 2015 at 11:52 AM"

    LOL----Is that the best you have? Still waiting Big Mouth for you to name even one state that automatically restore convicted felons rights. Go on name one. Name just one. It's ironic that you call others stupid when you were asked a simple question about something you are claiming and can't back it up. You can't back it up because what you claim doesn't exist and you know it.
    You have some major difficulties, lying being one of them.

  38. @5:05 raping women and children? Really?? Where did you read that? YOU obviously have a problem with the police, which leads me to believe you have an extensive criminal record. You chime in on every article on this site about the police. Why don't you use your time better and figure out a way for the black population to :
    1) get a job and stop living off my taxes
    2) learn what the word respect means
    3) learn what the word responsibility means and then try showing some
    4) stop blaming whitey and the police for everything
    5) start taking responsibility for your own actions and your own children
    I'd be willing to bet you fall in one or more of those categories, which means you would rather come on here and spew your hatred towards "kops". Get a frickin life. I have never had a problem with a police officer and if you have then most likely you were the problem to begin with.

    1. Ever think its not hatred to police but love of country? I fit none of your categories and strongly believe the police need oversight by people other then themselves. I see our rights and freedoms being taken. I see how the police act and brag about the atrocities they commit every day in the gym. They take pride in it. Reminds me of bully's in the locker room of a middle school.

  39. You people that hate on police do it from your cute suit an tie jobs or from swinging a hammer. Be man and become a cop. Then you will know what's it like other wise go hug you wife and the little league practice and let real men carry loaded guns and fight for a living. ..

  40. Amen 3:47 well said that is a large part of the problem. I have never had an issue with the police. When I was stopped for speeding the officer was polite and I was wrong. So people living the thug life you get what you get.

  41. Marxists are realizing a long term plan .. The Police are caught between a rock and a hard place.. it's as if they were being cast out of the umbrella of protection all Civil Servants assume they enjoy as a part of their compensation..
    These lawbreakers are the Marxist's children .. their pandering created them.. not the Grandmother led families who parented them.. the real issue is with Progressive Marxists not the Police.

  42. @7:45 Oh I believe where you are concerned it is hatred of police. You are on this site way too much "Kop" bashing. There will always be some bad apples wherever you go in life. I do feel those bad apples should be dealt with but I also believe for the most part the police are there to help. As I said before I have never had a problem with the police. That being said I was also raised to respect authority. Respect goes a long way. And I see less and less of it in our society. Every time I hear about "police brutality" there always seems to be a common denominator. And that's called resisting arrest. Why is it so hard to stop when an officer asks you too? Why do they always fight or run?? What do you expect a police officer to do? What happened to respect?? I'll tell you what happened. They were never taught any. There is no respect for authority anywhere in our society anymore. I don't see anyone's rights or freedoms being taken away. How about this. Show some respect, become a productive member of society, and try not to lead a criminal lifestyle and I bet you wont have a problem with the police. But when you are a career criminal you reap what you sow.

  43. 9:26...YOU are so wrong, you must be deliberately being deceitful.
    The police DO arrest "on a whim". All the time.
    Police charge people EVERY day for saying something they didn't like,
    refusing to jump at their barked orders, etc.
    Look at any court docket. You'll see "obstruction of justice", which can be ANYTHING, literally, they say it is --- for example, I personally watched the police arrest a kid for "obstructing justice" because he yelled at them from the TOP OF A FERRIS WHEEL in Ocean City. How can anyone "obstruct justice" from 175 feet in the air, confined to a swinging gondola? ONLY a cop thinks that's possible.
    Same goes for "interfering with a police officer". You see a guy getting beat to death by 3 cops (two more are sitting on his neck and legs) and say something??? Off to jail you go. "Trespassing" and "disturbing the peace" are also easy charges.
    EVERY DAY, the Gestapo angers more and more citizens with their over-the-top reactions, lack of self control, "we still think we are in Iraq" aggressive and militaristic approach to what would SHOULD be a routine matter.
    It doesn't take 3 cops to arrest a 69 year old woman. And if a cop has to body slam an old lady face first into the pavement, well, I think he needs more training. Maybe another job.
    Look at the THOUSANDS of videos, or look at the THOUSANDS of court records that show the mayhem the police CREATE over what SHOULD have been minor incidents.
    YOU escalate the situation and then complain citizens "resist" or "obstruct"?????
    Get real.

  44. 151 you have a problem with authority. That is obvious


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