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Sunday, June 07, 2015

New law means free breakfast, lunch at eligible schools

BALTIMORE —A new Maryland law is making available free breakfast and lunch to students at participating schools.

The Hunger Free Schools Act of 2015 allows schools to participate in the Community Eligibility Program, which allows an entire school to qualify for free breakfast and lunch as opposed to individual students.

No student will have to pay for breakfast or lunch at schools participating in the Community Eligibility Program. Schools that have at least 40 percent of their students who are low-income will qualify for the free meals across the board.

"If a school has at least 40 percent of their students who are lower income and qualify for reduced meals, then the entire school receives free breakfast and lunch," said Delegate Keith Haynes, D-Baltimore City.


EDITORS NOTE: Please see the below post for a list of Schools that are eligible. 


  1. Race to the bottom! Now, all schools will need to collect financial information so they can qualify their school!

    Soylent Green for everyone!

  2. Whatever happened to the no child left behind plan? When 2 wars broke out that seemed to fall by the wayside.

  3. What schools in salisbury gets free foods?

  4. 8:40 The bad ones, of course.

  5. Their officially "our" children now, not yours!

  6. What if my children and I elect to continue fixing their own lunches in a brown bag, and eating breakfast at home before the bus gets here?

    Do you now throw 6 meals a day in a dumpster that the taxpayers paid for?

  7. I would be alright with this as long as they are reducing the amount they get in welfare for food. Don't they base how much you get in food stamps on your income? This would be a benefit that they should take into consideration before they hand out more money for EBT cards.

  8. Will the free lunch and free breakfasts be deducted from food stamp allotments or will taxpayers continue to pay twice for the same meals for the same children? The whole purpose of "all" getting free is so no one notices who gets "free" which makes it an expensive exercise in self esteem.

  9. If only the "free" lunches looked like the one in your photo!!

    Nothing is free, someone will have to pay for it...guess who? Me and the people that choose to work for a living.

  10. What a waste of taxpayers money. The lunches will all be thrown out, have you seen the sh&* that Mrs. Obama wants kids to eat! No kid, even a starving one, will toss it out. You can bet her two little spoiled brats aren't eating this crap!

  11. Is the cost of the free school meals deducted from the parent(s) WIC, SNAP benefits?

  12. I used to get food stamps for a short time and I did not let my kid get stuck with a school lunch-we brown bagged every day!

  13. I don't know 10:37. Doesn't look all that appetizing to me. It will probably end up in the trash.

  14. Those "Healthy" Obama lunches, will all be thrown in the garbage. Give the kids cash, then they can buy good food, like Twinkies, Donuts, candy bars, chocolate milk, gum, all the stuff we grew up on.

  15. The people that receive food stamps already get free lunches. This would help out the parents that work and aren't eligible. School lunches are $2.50 per day. That's hard on parents who have more than one child in school. I don't have a problem with my tax dollars being spent to help those who are trying to keep their head above water in a honest way.

  16. No big deal.. Just that many more lunches thrown into the trash can.

  17. You mean I suffered through (at least) 7 years of my mom's lunches - (One day: Peanut butter and jelly; Next day: Bologna sandwiches. Repeat.) for nothing?


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