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Sunday, June 28, 2015

NAACP President: 'We Have to Allocate Resources to Address These Hate Groups'

(CNSNews.com) - The nation must address the "atmosphere of hate" and the "moral ugliness in our midst," NAACP President Cornell William Brooks said on Sunday.

And that will take money, he indicated: "We have to allocate resources to address these hate groups and these hate crimes," Brooks told CBS'S "Face the Nation."

Brooks noted that the murder of nine people in a Charleston Church last week may have happened in mere moments, "but it came into being over some time."

He said the suspect, 21-year-old Dylann Storm Roof, "was indoctrinated, radicalized, if you will, with an ideology of white nationalism or a racism, and so the point being here is we have got to look at not only this individual act of brutality. We also have to look at the atmosphere from which it emerged.



  1. Why do liberals always say more money is the solution?

    We don't need a dime to fix this problem. All we need is..

    some honesty and mutual respect. And a desire to actually fix the problem.

    Too many people and organizations are deeply vested in keeping the conflict going.

  2. are the Black Panthers one of the 784 hate groups?

  3. Or 1:04 You just shoot it out. Then the police can lock up the losers. The winners walk. No need to throw money just lead.

  4. Black people are being enslaved by the Democrats and their welfare system.

  5. How about the NAACP start with themselves?

  6. Dylann Roof was a lone nutcase, not a "hate group".

    If the NAACP "needs money" they damn well better not be leeching it from taxpayers. Let them raise it from their own members, or hold a bake sale or something.

    Moral ugliness? Hate crimes? Racism? Atmosphere of hate?

    Are these people seriously that deluded, are utterly lacking in self awareness?

  7. Start with the POTUS, Department of Justice, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, New Black Panthers, and black gangs in the cities, then we will know you are serious.

  8. NAACP is broke. This is a way to get revenue and with the of Sharpton Obama will give it to them. I bet Obama has a government slush fund just for them.

  9. You're exactly right, 1:28.
    DEMOCRATS have been the oppressors all along.
    They were the ones who fought against civil rights efforts by Republicans.
    Even when the civil rights act passed in 1964, Democrat LBJ said he was only going to give them "enough to keep them quiet."

  10. Geeez what is wrong with those people? This is AMERICA for crying out loud. We have these FREEDOMS.

  11. another idiot flapping his jaws

  12. Anonymous 1:48pm
    I agree with your comment. You forgot to mention the Nation of Islam. They are the BLACK version of the KKK or White Supremacist groups. Why does the NAACP ever bring up these groups? My rationale is the NAACP is a RACIST organization since they do not follow their charter if you read it and their mission. They also join with these groups when there is a Black movement organized anywhere in the US.

  13. I am confused, are they Black or African Americans. I thought saying Black was racist. I can keep this stuff straight anymore.

  14. I look at it They are Americans or they are African or Mexican or whatever Nationality. You can not be both. These people have a complex about coming to America. They cannot use the explanation of "That is My Heritage" so I can express my views any way I want. That rationale don't fly since the controversy over the Southern Naval Jack. This proves discrimination at its best. So you are one or the other and if you don't like it then "Leave' the USA

  15. NAACP fired a president bc she was white. Being black has privileges opens a lot of doors. Proven by Rachel. Facts are facts.

  16. According to Potus If your white then your racist.

  17. Obama is the last best hope to keep the NAACP alive,and he's not showing much interest.Saber rattling does not fool anyone at this point without substance to enforce it.

  18. 7:03 Don't be confused by the PC police. Do blacks call us white or European Americans? (I mean when speaking politely).

  19. I suppose he hasn't listened to the weekly speeches by Farrakhan calling for the extermination of the "white devils", or maybe the Black Panthers calling for the murder of all white people??
    If a white group did or said ANY of what THEY say on a daily basis, it would be national news and the condemnations would be at fever pitch.
    If you want to shine a spotlight on "racism", then cover ALL the racist people, not just the ones who fit into your agenda.
    That's called "credibility".


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