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Sunday, June 28, 2015

Louis Farrakhan: ‘We Need to Put the American Flag Down’

Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan expressed contempt for the American flag Wednesday, telling hundreds gathered in a D.C. church that it is a symbol of racism and needs to be brought down.

The controversial figure spoke at the Metropolitan AME Church, just one week after a white male shot and killed nine individuals at a historically black church in Charleston, South Carolina.

“White folks march with you because they don’t want you upset in the city,” Farrakhan said during his speech, a portion which was published online by WMAL. “They don’t give a damn about them nine. When they arrested that skunk …. they took him to the Burger King.”



  1. Louis, If you don't like the American Flag and what it stands for, there are many other pretty flags to choose from and many other countries.

    I suggest you pick one and move there, as you are obviously very unhappy living here under our flag.

    It's just that simple, jerk!

    We here in America just want you to be happy.

    1. But white people stole this land! You don't even belong here! You should be freezing your a** off fighting wolves for meat somewhere in the Caucus mountains. Get outta here with that bs.

  2. President should have him arrested immediately.

  3. Well, a guy has to eat...

  4. Some of us are willing to DIE for our flag a symbol that stands for FREEDOM.screw with the stars and stripes and you ll find yourself having a dirt nap F wad you devil worshipping snake..

  5. We need to put Farrikan down.

  6. The Black / African American version of the KKK and is never condemn.

  7. F him.

    If their lives are soooooooo oppressed and persecuted, then perhaps they should apply for "refugee status" and immigrate elsewhere. That should have the additional effect of ending the hordes of "refugees" coming here to take advantage of us.

  8. If Obama had a son! !

  9. You are NEVER EVER going to be able to give them enough. You've heard the adage "Give 'em an inch & they'll take a mile", well it's never been so true as it is right now.

  10. He is, and will always be, a lying, cowardly TRAITOR! He needs to leave this country and practice his hatred elsewhere but I highly doubt that any decent folks would want him either!

  11. This POSn'er needs to be put down!

  12. Louis F house is on the same block as Obama. Just sayin'.....

  13. The Nation Of Islam has been a radical domestic terror group since it began. Old Lois has cried for a Black state. He wants a separate nation and government in the U.S. controlled by Blacks. This guy is a whack job. I wonder why he thinks 15% of the population should have their own state. I say give them Detroit or Chicago I do not plan to visit either place in my life time. I think it would be a great chance to see what they can do without tax dollars supporting all aspects of his life. The man has become a millionaire on welfare dollars.

    He and Al Sharpton make me sick. How is it Al keeps getting away with owing millions to the I.R.S. yet a mom and pop business can not get away with owing a thousand. This country is f'd up from the ground up.

  14. I agree with him. This is the true flag of slavery. No slaves were ever purchased or transported under the confederate battle flag. Then there is the slaughter of millions of native Americans under this flag. Yes, this flag also offends Muslims, as this flag has lead the killing of many of them. We must be PC, it is the way of the New America that Obama promised us, in the "Change".


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