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Saturday, June 20, 2015

Liberal Leadership


  1. Since 2005 over 100,000 deaths in Mexico attributed to cartel murders and police killing cartel members. You can hear the shooting in the U.S. Mr. President. I guess we don't want to secure our borders because your ISIS brothers could not cross freely. This dude calls himself an American. What about the thousands of Blacks killed by Blacks. Oh that's not crime it is a socio economic issue. I hope you dumb asses that voted for tis fool are happy.

  2. so you are comparing our country to an invading pack of religious extreamists??? thanks

  3. How about a whack-o Muslim major shooting everybody in sight at Fort Hood? Oh that's right - that was 'workplace violence'.

  4. Something that isn't brought up, is that the rare incident of mass violence and atrocity in this country, is usually committed by a lone male nutcase with a history of antisocial behavior and mental illness.

    In the Middle East, it's otherwise average citizens, not the village lunatic, slaughtering people like flies.

    Religious fanaticism = severe mental depravity.

    And so on.

  5. Obama is a lying communist cowardly POs!

  6. The photo shows the beheading of Coptic Christians on a Libyan beach.

    In Libya, no civilians may lawfully acquire, possess or transfer a firearm or ammunition.

  7. 9:39-And typically white as well.

  8. "9:39-And typically white as well." Actually, this claim has been repeatedly debunked - tho' the liberals still cling to it. When the statistics are viewed without agenda, this assertion is readily disproven. Not to say that there aren't a lot of bat-sh*t crazy whites out there, as well. But they hold no particular majority on violent and evil.


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