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Sunday, June 28, 2015

Leaked Freddie Gray Autopsy Report Raises New Questions

There's a new bombshell in the criminal case that sparked riots in the city of Baltimore and protests across the country.

Megyn Kelly said the details of Freddie Gray's autopsy report were leaked today by The Baltimore Sun. In it, a medical examiner found that Gray suffered a "high-energy injury" while riding in a Baltimore police van.

Kelly also noted that the medical examiner concluded that Gray's death was a "medical and legal accident and only ruled a homicide because she was told the police failed to belt Gray into the van."



  1. Read: Neither one of the 6 police officers strangled him, knifed him, shot him or in any way used any kind of weapon to kill him. Therefore it was NOT a murder and these officers should be immediately exonerated.

  2. Seems to me that the State's Attorney may have to do some back tracking and butt kissing. It is terrible this young man died anyway you look at it. He may not have been the most pure person on the planet, but he did not deserve to die. But the police were treated as if they basically mauled this kid and pounded him until he died. That does not seem to be the case at all. I really hope they aren't going to prosecute the six officers for not belting him in....which is all they did wrong. All that non sense of rioting and looting for the report to look like this? Purely idiotic. Ms. Mosby seems to be upset this information leaked, I would be too if it made me look like an idiot. The incompetence in the way this situation was handled will go down as one of the worst of all time.

  3. because they failed to belt him into the van, a gross over site leading to his death and suitable for a charge to be placed.

  4. so nothing at the hospital contributed to his death, such a correct dosages of prescribed meds, proper administration of oxygen, vitals read timely, and properly documented.

  5. It will be proven that he intentionally threw himself around in the back of the van in order to injure himself. He was loaded up on drugs and could feel no pain.

  6. Are you kidding none of them have said they were sorry for Ferguson and they wont here. Racist biggots. Its a wonder anyone still want to be a cop anywhere. Maybe the cops need to riot and over throw the Govt. Kill all the politicians and Judges. That would be a start.lol This country is in a shambles.

    I would think Black, Whites, Cops ,Idnians,etc.. Have had enough of the govt. ripping us off. At some point we will brak and then the stuff will hit the fan. All this msm diversion is planned trust me. They stoke the fire then back off just in time not to start a race war or civil uprising. People need to shut the idiot box off and learn who your neighbors are.

  7. Negligent homicide maybe? Certainly not murder charges. Either way I think the cops will all be exonerated. Cops certainly do owe it to the people they swore to protect to take their job serious enough that over sites like this do not happen. But to make them out to be some rabid force of people hell bent on destroying a certain race is ridiculous. If their wasn't crime in the area, cops would not need to be there.

  8. The SA will lie her way until she meets her Maker on this one. That's how these people operate. Not an honest bone in their bodies.
    She is the perfect example of why the black communities are in a shambles. Not an ounce of decency, morals or principles.

  9. "Anonymous Anonymous said...

    because they failed to belt him into the van, a gross over site leading to his death and suitable for a charge to be placed.

    June 24, 2015 at 9:48 AM

    After being taken out and the leg restraints placed on him, he was then place back into the van on his stomach and on the floor.
    He bears the responsibility for getting up from this very safe position.
    I am so sick and tired of everyone blaming someone else when someone does something that they should not have done and they get hurt or killed.
    Where has the concept of personal responsibility gone?

  10. Remember the NY case and the supposed "illegal choke hold?"
    There is no such thing-anywhere-as an "illegal" choke hold.
    That is why no criminal charges were brought against the officers involved.
    While it may be against a particular department's policy, it's not illegal. Courts deal with laws and not the policies of an entity such as to seat belt or to not seat belt.

    No one should have any doubt that Mosby is a very real product of affirmative action and an example of just what a failure it is.

  11. 9:37-I think Mosby leaked this info. After it originally appeared in the Sun yesterday, 2 corrections were made and noted at the bottom of the article not long after it went online.
    Both corrections benefited Mosby.
    I think she's trying to put her spin on it, before the defense gets the report on Friday.

  12. What's curious about this autopsy is that is almost exclusively relies on the investigatory information (as relayed to ME by Mosby's findings by the infamous disgraced ex cop) as opposed to forensics.

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Read: Neither one of the 6 police officers strangled him, knifed him, shot him or in any way used any kind of weapon to kill him. Therefore it was NOT a murder and these officers should be immediately exonerated.

    June 24, 2015 at 9:12 AM

    just gave him a nickel ride in back of the van. same results.

  14. Case if falling apart. Even though the policy (seat belt) was adopted 9 days prior to Gray's arrest, as per ABC News who have obtained a copy of the email it wasn't sent to the commanders to read at roll call (3 to 5 times) on April 14 according to timestamp. This was a day after Gray was arrested.

    “Per policy 1114…please ensure that all prisoners are properly secured…"

  15. justify justify justify. sick sick sick

  16. "Anonymous said...

    justify justify justify. sick sick sick

    June 25, 2015 at 6:05 AM"

    No one is justifying anything, just telling it like it is and not lying to the black lynch mobs like their so called leaders always are doing. It's time the facts were faced. Black crime is out of control.
    They are filled with such hatred that they are killing each other at the drop of a hat. This includes the 7 yr old who had his brains blown out by another black. I bet no one can name his name oh but they all know Freddie Gray. Gray a heroin dealer who by his profession contributed to the war on the streets which killed this child and others in Baltimore.
    What is sick are the uncivilized sub humans who are making excuses for Gray. It's no wonder the streets of the inner cities are war zones.
    Gray caused his own death and an honest person knows and will say the world immediately became a better place when he took his last breath. He served no useful purpose while alive.

  17. Gray caused his own death and an honest person knows and will say the world immediately became a better place when he took his last breath. He served no useful purpose while alive.

    June 25, 2015 at 7:14 AM

    if that is not justifying, I don't know what is.


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