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Sunday, June 28, 2015

Jim Ireton's New Profile Picture, (seriously)

Jim Ireton created a Gay Pride cover for his profile picture and posted it almost immediately after the Supreme Court ruling.


  1. Oh he should just be so proud - he needs to be in the white house with Obama.

  2. So did A LOT of other people ... leave the man alone for once. He's entitled to his opinions and beliefs just like the rest of us.

  3. 50 shades of puke!

  4. This is an option facebook if giving people to change their profile picture. I just keep blocking them as they change their pictures

  5. Where is this posted?

  6. As Archie Bunker would say "whoop-dee-doo"

  7. You do realize this is SATANS work.. "the hidden danger of the rainbow ...read it

    1. Lol, did your parents tell you ghost stories when you were a kid? Did you believe them?

    2. Educate yourself its called a book. Evil is real and so does what the rainbow implies..the rainbow is a symbol for satantic ideals, as we are seeing..all cozy and nice..NOT

  8. Quite a few people are doing this actually. There is an option on Facebook to do it for you.

  9. he's a sidewalkin' sissy

  10. Yeah well..he still looks like the loon that he is.

  11. He post the DJ Jim Pride night Photos all the time. Why wouldn't he? The real question is how does he keep getting elected?

  12. So what. Half of the profile pictures on Facebook are now like this.

  13. This offends me so remove it from our sight! And the mayor while you're at it!

  14. Did Duncan post hers as well?

  15. How do you spell the sound that someone makes when they are vomiting?

  16. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Good for him.

    June 27, 2015 at 7:14 PM


    I bet you have gay pride colors on your profile pic.

  17. THIS IS TOTALLY OFFENSIVE AND NEEDS TO BE REMOVED AS I find this offensive. Time to boycott

  18. I'm offended, if the confederate flag has to go so does the rainbow symbol because, well, it offends me.

  19. Utterly disgraceful.

  20. Who really gives a flying FU&K? He's done exactly what for this city?

  21. So what? There are a ton of people doing the same thing on their fb page. Some are gay, some are not. If you don't agree with the decision, don't change yours. While the decision itself is an important one, this outcry over someone showing their support is not.

  22. What a freak...If you have an employee with that color scheme on their Facebook fire them like I did.

    1. What is your place of business? Bet you won't tell.

    2. If he did ..... I would give him all the business I can! I support all Christian businesses. If you refuse gays I want to be your customer. I don't want to be around them.

  23. It is a very bad time for Salisbury, Md. not only for having a blatant gay mayor and worse yet him flaunting it. Our previous mayors were outstanding citizens, why can't Salisbury have another good mayor??

    1. So you're saying our previous mayor who was usually drunk was an OUTSTANDING CITIZEN?? She was an embarrassment!

  24. He is SOOOOOO cool. He is one of the "in" crowd.
    The quintessential Progressive. A lackluster liberal socialist.
    Immoral, unethical, publicly perverted and proud to be.
    He is but a tool, a fool, a broken rule. Sick.

  25. Anonymous said...
    Quite a few people are doing this actually. There is an option on Facebook to do it for you.

    June 27, 2015 at 7:43 PM

    Yes they are and it shows you they are easily confused and I don't trust them as my friend any longer.

  26. Anonymous said...
    So what. Half of the profile pictures on Facebook are now like this.

    June 27, 2015 at 8:12 PM

    LMAO!! No where even close you Bozo, no where even close!!

  27. Anonymous said...
    I'm offended, if the confederate flag has to go so does the rainbow symbol because, well, it offends me.

    June 27, 2015 at 10:27 PM

    No the Battle Flag does not have to go, but I am praying the voters take care of the trash that brought that non issue up. I also pray that Congress does something to that lame pack of judges. Make them go up for election every 4 years as well.

  28. Anonymous said...
    Who really gives a flying FU&K? He's done exactly what for this city?

    June 27, 2015 at 10:31 PM


  29. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    What a freak...If you have an employee with that color scheme on their Facebook fire them like I did.

    June 27, 2015 at 10:49 PM


  30. Think he'd be offended if we all just started calling him "Rainbow"?

  31. He should get americas most courage mayor award. Not

  32. If he spent as much time taking care of this city as he does his gay status, this city would be beautiful. That being said this city is HORRIBLE looking. Sidewalks all cracked up, road with potholes so big they suck up a tire. South Salisbury Blvd. is the worse road to be a main highway I have ever seen. Been working on it so long by the time they fix it, it will need redoing again. I could not care less if he is gay or straight. Just do the job of Mayor that he was elected to do!!!!!!

  33. In the current climate, he will probably get a book deal! Isn't that what it's about now? It's about me me me me nothing to do with the people who voted him in. It's all about being a supreme leader folks. Stop crying, go to work don't complain pay your taxes and Heath care or go to jail. If you don't like it leave!! It's here to stay now! Their is no civil war or other theories.

  34. Anonymous said...
    He post the DJ Jim Pride night Photos all the time. Why wouldn't he? The real question is how does he keep getting elected?

    June 27, 2015 at 8:05 PM

    No he doesn't. And that is not the point anyway!!

  35. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    It is a very bad time for Salisbury, Md. not only for having a blatant gay mayor and worse yet him flaunting it. Our previous mayors were outstanding citizens, why can't Salisbury have another good mayor??

    June 27, 2015 at 11:11 PM

    You either don't know DingleBarrie Tillmon or you are admitting that Barrie is Jim in Drag!

  36. Anonymous said...
    If he spent as much time taking care of this city as he does his gay status, this city would be beautiful. That being said this city is HORRIBLE looking. Sidewalks all cracked up, road with potholes so big they suck up a tire. South Salisbury Blvd. is the worse road to be a main highway I have ever seen. Been working on it so long by the time they fix it, it will need redoing again. I could not care less if he is gay or straight. Just do the job of Mayor that he was elected to do!!!!!!

    June 28, 2015 at 9:45 AM

    See this shows your ignorance. You not caring less is the reason this city is falling apart and the crime is so high. He can't do his job as the mayor because being a homosexual queer is a mental illness. You can't do your job properly if you have a mental illness. People that could not care less have a mental issue as well. Put them all into a mental institution. Problem solved.

    1. A mental illness? You're one of "those people" aren't you?

  37. 11:11 said this: "Our previous mayors were outstanding citizens, why can't Salisbury have another good mayor??

    Are you an imbecile -- what about Barrie Tilghman? Her only outstanding featured were her alcohol and headlights.

  38. The chicken industry.

  39. Salisbury Blvd, from beginning to end is a State roadway - city (council and mayor) has no control over how fast the work goes, or if it goes at all.

  40. @ 1049 ... What type of company do you own??

  41. Some of these comments are ridiculous. The small minded people making these statements and accusations are what's wrong with Salisbury. Mind your own business and stop meddling in people's personal lives and put all that wasted time and energy into the betterment of your community. The mayor can't wave his magic wand and fix everything. Go volunteer somewhere, take a garbage bag once a week and walk around picking up trash, help a neighbor out with yard work if they aren't physically capable. Lots of things can be done by yourself. Maybe then your attitude will change and you'll stop sitting behind anonymity pointing fingers and making ludicrous statements. Be proactive and others will follow, because it's going to take more than the mayor to turn this place around.

    1. Jack Herer is 100% right (imo). I can't stand sissypants ireton but the guy can only do so much. It takes a community to make a community.

  42. I wonder how he'll explain his disobedience come Judgment Day.

  43. 1.6% OF GAYS IN THE usa making 98.4% of us Miserable.

  44. When I logged on to Face Book yesterday, there were a lot of these rainbow profile pictures. Between them and the Confederate Flag posts, it looked like a ton of skittles had exploded over the flags.

  45. Wonder if his wedding will be on the taxpayer dime.

  46. 7:29 - too bad more of them voted than we did!

  47. The gay community should be embarrassed! If Jim Irelton is the best you have to offer and represents you, than doesn't say much. Regardless of his sexual preference, Irelton is inept and clueless. Worst mayor this city has ever had.

  48. So has he officially come out of the closet?


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