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Sunday, June 28, 2015

Interesting Facts

Which of the above flags is the Confederate Flag?

1. Only 1.4% of Whites in U.S. had slaves in the US.

2. Only 4.8% of Whites in Southern States had Slaves.

3. Of the free Afro-Americans, it is estimated 28% held slaves… though many of these were family members bought from their slave owner. However, a few had more than 50 slaves.

4. General Robert E. Lee was not in favor of Slavery as evidenced by correspondence with his wife.

5. Of the up to 900,000 soldiers that fought for the Confederate, as many as 200,000 were Afro-American.

6. As many as 40% of the ‘cowboys’ in the west were Afro-Americans.

7. Of the 6,000,000 million African Slaves brought to the new world, only 478,000 were brought to the United States.

8. The capture of Africans that were forced into slavery were predominately captured by other Africans and sold to slave traders.

9. The Dutch, Brits and other Europeans were the primary slave traders, not the colonists brining them through the major Slave port at Bristol, England.

10. It is estimated that over ½ of all white settlers of the early colonies came as
indentured servants.

The original formation of the KKK was to terrorize Catholics… So with test facts, it is easy to see that the flag represents more that the issue of slavery in the south, the Civil war was a war of economics. Let the states fly the flag it represents a time in our history, and the bravery of all those who fought for the South, including the 200,000 Afro-Americans.


  1. Thanks again Joe, for having a back bone enough to publicize this. So much for offering the same sentiments to the "lame stream" who continue to bury their head in the sand when it comes to confronting real issues.

  2. A swastika is a symbol of unity in some cultures, yet we associate it with Hitler and the Nazi regime. It's about the message the symbol conveys.

  3. Yet, today it is used by hate groups for just that, hate.

    1. 2:07 it is not used by hate groups you idiot. When was the last time you saw one of these so called hate groups? You haven't!! Even if it is used by a hate group so is the Amerixan flag.

  4. Which culture uses the swastika as a symbol of unity, Nazi Germany? The stars and stripes is a symbol which conveys a message, I'm sure you would like to see that gone also. After all we a such a "racist" nation.

  5. 1:50 I disagree completely. We give way too much power to things and symbols. I had a huge argument with the school system years ago because of the so called "sex
    bracelets" that kids were wearing. While it may have meant one thing to one student, it meant something different to my student. My student just liked the colored plastic bracelets - it had no real meaning at all. Today it may mean something to wear orange shoelaces, are we then going to ban the wearing of shoelaces? The whole problem is a heart problem, not a symbol or thing or flag. Teach our kids to be good, kind, responsible citizens. The rest will take care of itself.

  6. Also, The 1% that owned slaves (same 1% families still running $#%&) were originally using indentured servants. The problem was that malaria was rampant as the US was being colonized(stolen). The 1% found that their servants were dying before they could pay for themselves. Africans were much more resistant to malaria and began to be preferred over the Europeans.
    The truth is that WE ARE ALL SLAVES NOW, and have been for some time. I am saddened to see all these conservatives desperately trying to find excusses to keep a symbol of a lost revolution as a reminder of your history. What we need to do is put it away. Find a symbol of revolution that feels inclusive to all. Then kick the mutha off!

  7. In Thailand the swastika is a symbol of good luck. Just ask any Viet Nam veteran who had liberty in Thailand.

    1. I just left their. Have no idea what your talking about. But I understand your message.

    2. He's right. It's a very old Chinese symbol, however it goes the opposite direction as the German Nazi swastika.

  8. the lower flag is the confederate flag. the stars and bars is the confederate
    battle flag. most people dont know the difference. thanks sjd

  9. 2:08 The swastika is very popular in India among Hindus and many other religions. The following is from a website....

    The swastika is a symbol used by of one of the most hated men on Earth, a symbol that represents the slaughter of millions of people and one of the most destructive wars on Earth. But Adolf Hitler was not the first to use this symbol. In fact, it was used as a powerful symbol thousands of years before him, across many cultures and continents.
    For the Hindus and Buddhists in India and other Asian countries, the swastika was an important symbol for many thousands of years and, to this day, the symbol can still be seen in abundance - on temples, buses, taxis, and on the cover of books. It was also used in Ancient Greece and can be found in the remains of the ancient city of Troy, which existed 4,000 years ago. The ancient Druids and the Celts also used the symbol, reflected in many artefacts that have been discovered. It was used by Nordic tribes and even early Christians used the Swastika as one of their symbols, including the Teutonic Knights, a German medieval military order, which became a purely religious Catholic Order. But why is this symbol so important and why did Adolf Hitler decide to use it?
    The word ‘swastika’ is a Sanskrit word (‘svasktika’) meaning ‘It is’, ‘Well Being’, ‘Good Existence, and ‘Good Luck’. However, it is also known by different names in different countries - like ‘Wan’ in China, ‘Manji’ in Japan, ‘Fylfot’ in England, ‘Hakenkreuz’ in Germany and ‘Tetraskelion’ or ‘Tetragammadion’ in Greece.

    A Sanskrit scholar P. R. Sarkar in 1979 said that the deeper meaning of the word is ‘Permanent Victory’. He also said that as any symbol it can have positive and negative meaning depending on how it is drawn. So in Hinduism, the right-hand swastika is a symbol of the God Vishnu and the Sun, while the left-hand swastika is a symbol of Kali and Magic. The double meaning of symbols is common in ancient traditions, like for example the symbol of the pentagram (five pointed star), which is viewed as negative when pointing downwards, and positive when pointing upwards.

    1. Paganism is what you are describing. Pure paganism and a history full of religious
      warlike hateful crusade's. Furthermore, Hitler wanted to rule and almost destroyed the world. The confederate flag need to be retired indefinitely in museum.

  10. 2:13. well said. map

  11. Why is it appropriate, once again, to change the viewpoint of an entire nation over the select actions of a single person with an obvious mental problem? This political correctness is for the birds. Didn't we go through this recently after the last killing spree caused by another mental case?

    When are people going to hold individuals accountable for their actions? What about the symbolism behind all the brave soldiers who fought for the south and died for their cause? Are we going to abandon our own heritage in an attempt to practice appeasement?

    Not everyone sees the Confederate flag as a symbol of racism.

  12. Guns are next.. Never thought I would see it but now it's possible. Scary times.

  13. You're talking to the wall

  14. Good thing the southern branch of the L.G.B.T. movement didn't adopt the stars and bars. How would the P.C. crowd deal with that?

  15. I saw more confederate flags today on backyard sheds then ever. It was like flag day in Delmarva.

  16. Yep it is coming Ohblahblah will not stop until he screws this country beyond fixing. There will be a uncivil war trust me. The meek will inherit the earth. When good people have had enough of the Black privilege and shallow belly aching it will happen. If Blacks were killing Whites at the same rate they kill each other the war would have already started. It will come to that soon enough.

    Sad time indeed.

    I am ready are U?

  17. This whole flag thing is turning into mass hysteria.
    There is little or no logic in most of the things that are being done.
    Just raw emotion.

  18. Anonymous said...
    Yep it is coming Ohblahblah will not stop until he screws this country beyond fixing. There will be a uncivil war trust me. The meek will inherit the earth. When good people have had enough of the Black privilege and shallow belly aching it will happen. If Blacks were killing Whites at the same rate they kill each other the war would have already started. It will come to that soon enough.

    Sad time indeed.

    I am ready are U?

    June 24, 2015 at 9:12 PM

    Why are you blaming Obama. Obama is one person. It's the RINO's like Nikki Haley, Mitch McConnell, Rick Perry, Mitt Romney, ETC. who are caving in to political correctness. I will vote against and send my last dollar to candidates running against these RINO clowns.

  19. Anonymous said...
    This whole flag thing is turning into mass hysteria.
    There is little or no logic in most of the things that are being done.
    Just raw emotion.

    June 24, 2015 at 9:16 PM

    Google Robert E. Lee or Confederate and you will see where every Southern State from Maryland South is trying to abolish everything that has anything to do with the Confederacy. And it isn't just the liberal Democrats, many of them are Republicans.

  20. The lower flag (the one with the circle of stars) was the 1st National Flag of the Confederate States of America and is referred to as 'The Stars And Bars'. There were two other flags during the Confederacy's existence.
    The upper flag, the one that is causing all of the BS, is the battle flag.
    Here, again, we have a bunch of uneducated idiots, black & white, who are trying to force their ignorant and uncultured beliefs upon those of us who are actually educated and aware.

  21. It's done now. No sense talking about it the flag is gone and will never fly again on these building bc the NAACP said so with the backing of Potus. Guns are next.

  22. Only 24 comments and you idiots don't realize that your precious guns are next. Even you ignorant people that don't understand the flag and a Southerners passion, you are to stupid to see how easy your precious guns will be taken from you. Even the RINO's will line up with the Democrats on gun control. Especially the female Republicans. Mark my word, females are the weakest and that was proven by Nikki Haley the governor of SC who was quick to give up the rights of Southerners and take our beloved flag from us. Since you did nothing to help us with our flag I am going to laugh my a.. off when you start crying about losing your precious guns.

  23. If the flag has to go because some looney held it - what dos his Gold's Gym tank shirt say - they are all racists - close the gyms? No it say he bought a t-shirt (from his build he only walked past the gyms). Next they PC police will want to take down the Washington monument and Jefferson memorial because they owned slaves, take their pictures off our money too. Renaming Lee Park in Baltimore - people will still call it Lee park even after it is given some African name.
    In my humble opinion this is all part of the drive to eliminate white culture. No teenager today has a white role model to look up to - everything in popular culture (droopy pants, backwards hats, gang sign hand signals)is about being black - our language is all about black slang and hip hop. I'm glad I'm old and probably won't live long enough to see America fall completely apart.

  24. "The original formation of the KKK was to terrorize Catholics…" Were the group started becomes irrelevant considering the terrorist acts of this group.

    " So with test facts, it is easy to see that the flag represents more that the issue of slavery in the south, the Civil war was a war of economics." Economics that was supported by the free labor of slaves. Slaves who where forced to live in deplorable conditions, work 12 hours a day, ripped from their culture, and family (average male slave was should at least twice in his life time)

    "Let the states fly the flag it represents a time in our history, and the bravery of all those who fought for the South" Im sure the ISIS leaders to believe that what they are doing is based on bravery.

    The fundamental issue in the civil war steamed from push back by south regarding Lincolns agenda to Halt the expansion of slavery. The confederate battle flag represents a dark part of american history. I would also argue that this symbol is equal to the swastika. Know one is arguing we should erase this history but it needs to be displayed in a museum not flow proudly as if it is a symbol of pride.

    The v

  25. Anonymous said...
    "The original formation of the KKK was to terrorize Catholics…" Were the group started becomes irrelevant considering the terrorist acts of this group.

    " So with test facts, it is easy to see that the flag represents more that the issue of slavery in the south, the Civil war was a war of economics." Economics that was supported by the free labor of slaves. Slaves who where forced to live in deplorable conditions, work 12 hours a day, ripped from their culture, and family (average male slave was should at least twice in his life time)

    "Let the states fly the flag it represents a time in our history, and the bravery of all those who fought for the South" Im sure the ISIS leaders to believe that what they are doing is based on bravery.

    The fundamental issue in the civil war steamed from push back by south regarding Lincolns agenda to Halt the expansion of slavery. The confederate battle flag represents a dark part of american history. I would also argue that this symbol is equal to the swastika. Know one is arguing we should erase this history but it needs to be displayed in a museum not flow proudly as if it is a symbol of pride.

    The v

    June 25, 2015 at 6:01 PM

    You are just a misguided ignorant individual that was indoctrinated in public schools.

    How do you know slaves lived in deplorable conditions? Were you there? Hell no! Slaves were "property" and treated better than you assumed. Would you let your property run down? Of course you would, you are a liberal Democrat who believes you are entitled and someone else will have to pay for it. By the way many of the slaves slept in the big house.

    "The confederate battle flag represents a dark part of american history."

    To bad you are not intelligent enough to understand that the US flag flew over slavery for 80 years. I guess that was an exciting time in American history for slaves.

    Im sure the ISIS leaders to believe that what they are doing is based on bravery."

    This isn't ISIS and not anything close. Did you see any Confederates decapitates thousands of Christians? Did you see Confederates throw gays off buildings to their deaths? Did you see the Confederates beat and rape their women? No, but we did see the US Yankees from Sherman's March to the See rape innocent women and children and burn $millions of dollars in property that wasn't theirs.

    What you can compare to ISIS is the fact that they are destroying monuments all over the West and you don't seem to be concerned about that. What you can compare to ISIS is that your guy in the White House is closely connected to ISIS and so is John Kerry.

    "Slaves ripped from their culture." Oh that's right, it was slaves who were ripped from their culture from other blacks, not the Confederacy. But comparing that we see the same culture going on in Detroit, Chicago and Baltimore!!

    Shall I go on you liberal, uneducated and pathetic moron!

  26. 6:13
    Why the name calling? The fact that you cant have an educated debate without name calling shows your level of intelligence.

    1. Read a history book, it is well documented that slave living conditions where deplorable.Hence why the life expectancy for slaves was significantly less the non minority race. Further it is also well documented that in many accounts the "house slaves" where those of lighter complexion as they where descendants of the slave owner. Often the result of AA females being raped by slave owners.
    2. You are correct that prior to the choice of the southern states to concede from the union it may of been the union flag was flown. However, the Confederacy represents those states that where resistant to stop the expansion of slavery. It is well documented that the confederate government claimed to be founded on the principle that the AA man was less then the white man.
    3. My point of bringing up ISIS is to state that at time of war both sides believe what they are fighting for is riotous. Maybe we are not talking about destroying monuments but we are talking about is over 6 million slaves(human beings) that where treated as less them human beings. A crime in my view much if not equally as horrific as destroying an old statue.
    4. You are also correct that Africans played a role in the slave trade.(two wrongs do not equal right) One of the central components of the cause of the civil war was the southern unrest based on Inchon wanting halt the expansion of slavery

  27. America is gone to hell.

  28. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    America is gone to hell.

    June 28, 2015 at 7:32 PM

    right where it belongs

  29. I find it ironic that a flag MADE this person go into that Church and kill all of those people. I have a very small garden flag out in my front flower bed that says, Welcome to My Garden. I guess that I should take it down because it might make someone go out and kill someone because he or she is allergic to flowers and my flag made them go out and murder innocent people.


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