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Sunday, June 07, 2015

I'm done with coke products! This is to much.


  1. Let's hear the its also a proper name , like I care! This is to much. I agree. I won't touch a coke product again.

  2. It's also TOO much!

  3. Good for you. try to stop drinking any beverages who's second ingredient is sugar.

  4. Long before the current terror group Isis was a Greek and an Egyptian goddess. So yes Isis is a legitimate female name.

  5. 10:19 that aint real. There is only one God. We won't be buying coke now or ever again.

  6. No need in promoting the name anymore then it already is. I bet coke is selling those Isis labels like hot cakes over there. Shame on them.

  7. TideRunner said...
    Long before the current terror group Isis was a Greek and an Egyptian goddess. So yes Isis is a legitimate female name.

    June 5, 2015 at 10:19 PM

    BFD(Big F"n Deal) Coke should have been more sensitive if that was the real case and eliminated those names. Sounds like you are a softie.

  8. What I see are targets for my rifle at 400yards not soft drinks. Done with coke!

  9. Endorsed by the White House if we are to believe ISIS was created in the US by major political players.

  10. Stop buying coke. Watch the stock price fall. NOT. The shore has no impact on a global corporation!

  11. Anonymous 12:11 AM, you say there is only one God. You know that to be true because??? Something you read or was told???

  12. 10:19
    I believe your comment was already known. Hence the " let's hear its a proper name". Its the point. Do you see coke with Satan? Lucifer? Hitler?

  13. I doubt it is real. A picture on the internet means nothing. Photoshop, etc makes it so. If you believe this is real, then I have a bridge to sell you.

  14. So just a moment of fact checking on the Internet reveals that Coke did use the Isis name on bottles during it's 2014 campaign but in the Netherlands only where Isis is a popular name. They have dropped this name completely for 2015 due to the rise of ISIS. Which would be in all caps anyway since it is an acronym. This bottles with Isis were never sold in the US. Everyone should stop jumping to silly conclusions.

    1. Of course it wasn't sold here. Duh! But it was sold where Muslims have taken a good bit of control. It was meant to raise money from Islamic extremists. End of story.

  15. No 5:14. It's real from 2014 in the Netherlands. See post at 2:37.

  16. It's a can that says "sis" and its photoshopped or editted. Jesus, somebody tossed a troll gernade in here and it just exploded.

  17. Isis was a pretty good Bob Dylan song from 1975 on the 'Desire' album.

  18. I can't wait until someone finds a Coke bottle with Mohammed, Barack or Jesus on it.

    There are far more important issues to worry about.


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