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Monday, June 01, 2015

How Much do you Need to Earn to Afford a Modest Apartment in Your State?

See the entire report by clicking HERE


  1. Like that guy in New York says "The Rent is Too Damn High!".

  2. The rent is too high and the slum lords take advantage cause they know college kids will get 4 or 6 together and share the rent. Married couples or single people can't do that, so what about them. No wonder young adults stay under parents roof. If they live in Wicomico County, they cannot afford to do otherwise.

  3. This should be posted in every school to show kids how hard it is to make it.

  4. All the more reason to stay in school and study hard and not waste money on drugs and alcohol and gambling. Not getting pregnant until you're married and ready to raise a family. Life is full of choices and we shouldn't be responsible for people making stupid choices. It's not like in this info age you can get away with saying "I didn't know any better" anymore.

  5. Maybe the chart should be shown to people that have a home in Salisbury, a home in Florida, a condo in Hawaii, a Benz and a Lexus in the driveway (their kids drive Jags), and 300 rental houses yanking in $375,000 a month. A MONTH.
    Who complain that a hike in the ridiculously low minimum wage would bankrupt them drive them out of business.
    I get sick of hearing that.
    And that chart is a big reason why.

  6. Imclain,you have a good point should rent be controlled like a utility because everyone has to have it?I always felt that oil and gas should be controlled like a utility to stop price fluctuations that only hurt the working class.

  7. Ever notice that the cities with rent control have the highest rents in the country. The reason is because when rent is controlled the supply of rental units dries up making it even harder to find a place to live. Imclain if it wasn't for that person with the 300 rental units making all that money there might be 300 fewer rental units on the market.

  8. Where did they get their information from? I have a difficult time believing that the average income for wicomico county household is $60, 700. per year!

  9. 6:08...what a poor argument. Is that the best you got?

    I KNOW at least two of the biggest slumlords in this city. I'm familiar with another one.
    Guess what they pay their help? THE LOWEST POSSIBLE WAGE.
    My point was this --- the credibility of these people, who go into spasmodic frenzy when the lowest legal wage MIGHT get raised TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, is zero.
    You can't decide whether or not you should pay your help a respectable
    wage because it may stop you from buying that FOURTH house (that you may not even USE this year?) or mean that you have to keep your car collection down to just 5 cars?
    Another wealthy person I know said "they can do the same thing I did", meaning work hard, but that's NOT how HE got rich. And very few people have the drive, the motivation, the resources, or the skill to become the next Bill Gates.
    Does that mean they must be relegated to poverty while they devote their work lives to making sure SOMEONE ELSE gets rich?
    Greed and selfishness are EXTREMELY difficult to defend, but go ahead. Give it a try. Rationalization and self-serving statements will not be considered as a "defense".
    Check your portfolio. Then get back to cheering.

  10. One mans slum is another mans roof over their head.

  11. raise the minimum wage.
    let face it, a walmart employee working 40 hours is being subsidized by YOU while everyone one of the Waltons are multi billionaire.


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