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Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Gowdy to Kerry: Turn Over Benghazi Emails Or I'll Summon You

Rep. Trey Gowdy said Sunday he'll summon Secretary of State John Kerry before his select committee investigating the 2012 Benghazi attacks if he doesn't get the documents his panel is seeking.

The South Carolina Republican accused the State Department of holding back not only on a complete release of emails from former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, but also those of nine of her 10 closest aides, for more than a year.

"I'm trying to do this the right way," Gowdy told CBS. "I'm trying to do this without the drama, just the documents. But that has not proven to be successful."

"I want to get this investigation over with and [Kerry] is the only thing standing between me and a completed investigation," said Gowdy.

Gowdy said Clinton will be called to testify "just as soon as the Department of State decides to give me the documents that I need to have a constructive conversation with her."

Renewed scrutiny of Clinton's private email use bubbled up last week after it became clear that Sidney Blumenthal, an unofficial adviser to Clinton, had given Congress 60 emails that the State Department never provided.



  1. Just do it. Someone needs to stand up to these communist criminals.

  2. Please get this deceitful woman before the voters make her president.

  3. If she is elected, I am leaving. Spare me all of the see ya or good get out crap, because I love this country. the last thing I would want to do is leave. But if a blatant liar and manipulator is allowed to govern our country solely for political advancements, it would be the last straw. She is less qualified to lead this country than my big toe. She has blood on her hands and has shown she will do whatever it takes to further Hillary Clinton along. So sad to see our country take the dive it has since the 1990's.

  4. "But if a blatant liar and manipulator is allowed to govern our country solely for political advancements, it would be the last straw."

    Hate to tell you this, my friend, but you just described the situation that we have today.


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