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Saturday, June 27, 2015

Good Question! Anyone Have An Answer?


  1. Same thing that happens when a church or synagogue refuses.


  2. I have a much better question. What two idiot muslins, be
    they 2 men or 2 women are going to ask to be married in a
    mosque. Just saying.

  3. I'm so glad you brought this to my attention.
    Let's just see what happens!

  4. They know better.

  5. Never happen, that's why Obama is so happy. He celebrated by lighting up the white house and by calling Americans a bunch of dumba$$es.

  6. Will you idiots please tell me how a CHURCH member in a non accepting church...gets permission to marry in that church? ! It wont be forced to. They would be ex-
    communicated, severed ties, shunned, or beheaded!! That's freedom of speech and freedom of religion. Well, except for the Muslim solution.

  7. They will be denied because that is the mosque's right if that is their belief. The government cannot use religion as an excuse though. There is a big difference.

  8. homosexuals are not tolerated....they are exterminated.....it is hard to walk down the isle without your head

  9. Mohammed liked little boys so they will tolerate it

  10. 7:51 what say you for the Christian church about to be sued because of Supreme Court ruling

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Same thing that happens when a church or synagogue refuses.

    June 27, 2015 at 2:49 PM

    Oh Bullsh!t!! Are you that stupid!

  12. Anonymous said...
    homosexuals are not tolerated....they are exterminated.....it is hard to walk down the isle without your head

    June 27, 2015 at 7:55 PM


  13. When the muslims take over America, the gays will be done away with, along with the Christians. Unfortunately, that day could be here before you know it.


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