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Friday, June 26, 2015

Good Luck


  1. Let em roll , they will make good targets.


  2. Agree, completely!!

  3. If named after 2 Confederate Generals Sheila Jackson Lee (US representative, Dem from TX), were removed and stricken from the record, a lot of the hate would for sure, without a doubt stop.

  4. They will never address this because they would be profiling!

  5. Obama is going to eulogize the dead reverend in Charleston today.
    Allowing such a sinner as Obama to eulogize anyone during a Christian ceremony is never a good thing. God is going to be very disgusted with it. Obama is the anti Christ and as soon as people realize this they will become better people for it.

  6. If someone wants to let their pants sag below their ass let them, just means they are someone's prison bitch haha. *The more you know*

  7. And that brings up another point; if a dudes shorts are so long they reach his ankles why don't they just wear long pants? At what point do shorts become long pants? If someone was stepping on their shorts,would they be considered long pants? Don't even act like you haven't noticed that.The question for the day is if there is a defined difference between the 2.Would those who always wear pants that are way too short suddenly be in style?

  8. 10:02, as long as the shorts are pulled up around his waist, I don't really care if they reach his knees or his ankles....just saying.... :-)

  9. I don't care what anyone says-when I see someone w/their pants hanging off I profile them. Anyone who wears their pants like that is no good and doesn't deserve to be treated as my equal because they aren't my equal. They are beneath me.
    They deserves to be profiled, looked at suspiciously and discriminated against. It means you are ghetto and everyone knows how those in the ghetto are shooting each other up to the tune of 1000's a year.

  10. looks like an invitation for our fine mayor


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