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Friday, June 26, 2015

Gas Yesterday At Sam's Club In Annapolis

It sure makes you wonder why OUR prices are so high!


  1. Gas in the Dayton, OH area was averaging about 2.88 yesterday, but Sam's was 2.55.

  2. Its ridiculous! Gas prices should be UNDER $2...no reason for it to be any higher except greed!

  3. In NJ the attendants pump the gas and fuel is MUCH cheaper. Thank You Maryland government !!!

  4. You do realize YOUR own Federal Government makes more off of gas prices than the gas companies right??????

  5. Our prices are so high because we lost the Delaware refinery.

  6. Just wait until the full measure of TPP kicks in., people you ain't seen nothin' yet. We'll be lucky to afford to put fuel enough in a vehicle to get back and forth to work. We'll be lucky to even afford clothes and food let alone transportation and let's not forget taxes. I foresee debtor's prisons filling quickly once the global corporations take complete control of the government.


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