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Monday, June 29, 2015

Franklin Graham Warns Gay Marriage Ruling Will Lead to Christian Persecution

One of the nation’s most prominent evangelical leaders issued a dire warning for the nation in the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s ruling on homosexual marriage.

“I believe God could bring judgment upon America,” said Franklin Graham in an exclusive interview.

Graham told me that Christians should be prepared for persecution in the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s ruling on homosexual marriage.

“You better be ready and you better be prepared because it’s coming,” Graham said just moments after the court handed down its ruling. “There will be persecution of Christians for our stand.”

Graham, the president and CEO of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Samaritan’s Purse, said he was disappointed in the 5-4 Supreme Court ruling.

“I’m disappointed because the government is recognizing sin,” he said. “This court is endorsing sin. That’s what homosexuality is – a sin against God.”

Graham said regardless of the ruling, he will refuse to marry any same-sex couple.

“I will never recognize it in my heart because God gave marriage between a man and a woman and that’s what marriage is,” he said. “And I don’t think the court – since it never defined marriage – doesn’t have the right to redefine it. God gave us marriage. Period. And God doesn’t change his mind.”

The Supreme Court's decision means gay rights now trump religious liberty. And if you think the cultural purging of the Southern States has been breathtaking, wait until you see what LGBT activists are about to unleash on American Christians.

More here


  1. Ob's plan of creating dissension is working well. Hitler never did it so good.

  2. The POSSCOTUS essentially legalized discrimination against anyone whose religion forbids homosexual conduct - along with their desire not to participate in anything related to that conduct!

    If the court had said these people can have the same rights (by civil union) as long as nobody else is forced to participate - that would have been the most the government could do and maintain separation of church and state...and probably would have been accepted as being a fair method to allow sinners to sin and prevent the discrimination of them by others.....buuut, nooooooo!

    In this case, the state has overruled the church - the (church) members of which created the state originally...to escape the tyranny of another state.

  3. What I see happening is gays will start filing discrimination lawsuits and of course since Religious Freedom is the foundation of our First Amendment the courts will be very busy.

    That being said if the First Amendment starts losing and folks are having to pay lots of money for defense you will see a full blown revolution.

    In America we have always had the right to be who we want to be. Two gays can enter into a contract for buying a home to leaving their assets in a will but marriage? That's aggression and in your face acts will may have dire consequences for our country.

    It's a sad day indeed.

  4. We may as well just give them some territory like we did to the Indians and say here you go this is land for all the gay and queer.

  5. 3:59 We would be better off if all people who practice religion had to go to Jerusalem.

  6. People it's all part of God's master plan and this all must pass before we go on to glory,store you treasures in heaven where they don't rust,rot and corrupt.

  7. Our Hitlerlike lying, cowardly, kenyan king is destroying this country with his social agenda. Civil unrest is a must if this country is to survive his attacks and the attacks of SCOTUS! Just read the history of Nazi Germany and realize that history is repeating itself. We are in deep trouble. Have we had enough yet and, if not, just what exactly will be our tipping point??


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