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Friday, June 26, 2015

Former Baltimore City cop rants about bad behavior on the force via social media

BALTIMORE (WJLA) - A retired Baltimore Police Department officer came out firing on twitter, talking about bad behavior he claims he witnessed, and participated in, during his time on the force.

The tweets went viral and got a lot of people talking, with some calling him a hero while others labeled him a snitch. After a series of tweets Wednesday, Sergeant Michael Wood's Twitter following went from just a few hundred to nearly 9,000. It’s obvious something he said struck a nerve.

In tweets Wednesday, Wood claims he witnessed a serious of bad acts, including officers who urinated and defecated on suspects’ beds during raids. He also claims he saw an officer kicking a handcuffed suspect.

“I didn't realize I was revealing anything,” Wood told ABC7, “I thought all this was stuff that was previously known and I was confirming it.”



  1. Say good bye to your pension. Sounds like you admitting to felonious. Mosby is going to be up your.

  2. I agree they should charge him or her admittialy looking the other way doesn't make you not guilty.

  3. Sounds like to me he might need a lawyer

  4. You dweebs are worried more about charging the ONE good cop for exposing the bad kops instead of charging the bad kops? You are a special kind of stupid.

  5. Anonymous said...
    You dweebs are worried more about charging the ONE good cop for exposing the bad kops instead of charging the bad kops? You are a special kind of stupid.

    June 26, 2015 at 9:08 PM

    You are correct. They can't have the truth coming out about what kops REALLY do. They have to keep the illusion that their jobs are dangerous, no one has a clue what it takes to be a kop, and a hundred other things that I won't waste my time typing.

    They are the only ones that still believe that crap any longer. The world now sees them as the lying cowards they really are. And they often threaten ( promise ) to not do their 'job' if there is the slightest criticism of their actions, no matter how illegal or immoral they may be.

    Sometimes I wish they would make good on those crybaby rants and NOT do their so called job. Imagine all the lives that would be saved, including dog lives.


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