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Thursday, June 04, 2015

Former Atlanta Falcon kicked tiny Yorkie to death & claims he was acting in self-defense

This is one of those stories so horrific it’s painful to report. Prince Shembo, the 254-pound linebacker for the Atlanta Falcons, kicked Dior, a tiny dog belonging to his girlfriend Denecia Williams, so hard it died, then had the nerve to claim afterward it was self-defense.

The Daily Mail reports,

His attorney, Jerry Froelich, said the linebacker was bit in the hand by Williams’ dog, a Yorkie named Dior, when he was putting it in a cage and he kicked the defenseless animal as a reflex.

Dior suffered numerous injuries – including a fractured rib, fractured liver, abdominal hemorrhage, thoracic hemorrhage, head trauma and a hemorrhage in the left eye with internal injuries – but Froelich would not comment about the number of times the dog was kicked.

The Falcons acted swiftly after the warrant was announced and waived the young linebacker.



  1. Dogs know a POS when they meet em.
    Hope the steroids make him impotent

  2. Put the Bas#ard in the Prison system...

  3. All will be forgiven, he can come play for the Eagles, they take dog killers with open arms!

  4. Typical behavior from the home environment and culture.

  5. Man some people are just mean!

  6. Put that SOB in a cage !

  7. Please, I would love to have the chance to kick this sick bastard to death. I hope he rots.

  8. Call me crazy but I think I would take a bullet for my pets. This kind of cruelty just can't wrap my head around.


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