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Wednesday, June 17, 2015

For Leftists, It’s Open Season On Christians

If you doubt that Christians are fair game for ridicule by the cultural left, take a look at the hit piece on Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia by Jeffrey Tayler for Salon.

I can’t decide which is worse, the title or the subtitle. The title: “Antonin Scalia is unfit to serve: A justice who rejects science and the law for religion is of unsound mind.” The subtitle: “The justice claims to be an originalist, but his real loyalty is to religion and a phony man in the sky.”

The writer is trying to be cute, but don’t conclude that any part of his thesis is intended to be tongue-in-cheek. He opens by telling us that “faith-derangement syndrome” has now infected the Supreme Court as it has the executive branch.

He writes: “Sufferers of faith-derangement syndrome (FDS) exhibit the following symptoms: unshakable belief in the veracity of manifest absurdities detailed in ancient texts regarding the origins of the cosmos and life on earth; a determination to disseminate said absurdities in educational institutions and via the media; a propensity to enjoin and even enforce (at times using violence) obedience to regulations stipulated in ancient texts, regardless of their suitability for contemporary circumstances; the conviction that an invisible, omnipresent, omniscient authority (commonly referred to as ‘God’) directs the course of human and natural events, is vulnerable to propitiation and blandishments, and monitors individual human behavior, including thought processes, with an especially prurient interest in sexual activity.”

Tayler is particularly exercised by his assumption that Scalia rejects Tayler’s sainted opinions on both “anthropogenic global warming” and “the fact of evolution — the foundation of modern biology — in favor of the opening chapter of a compendium of cockamamie fables concocted by obscure humans in a particularly dark age, evidence that his faculty of reason has suffered the debilitating impairment associated with acute FDS.” Tayler continues, “He therefore cannot be relied upon to adjudicate without prejudice and should be removed from the bench henceforth.”

Sorry for the extensive quotes, but I have to assume you’d think I were exaggerating if I paraphrased this harangue.

What apparently got Tayler’s attention was an interview of Scalia a few years ago by Jennifer Senior, a contributing editor for New York magazine. Tayler was disgusted that Scalia accepts the Catholic teaching about homosexuality and incredulous at his admission that he believes in heaven and hell and that the devil is “a real person.”



  1. God, church and religion have not part in government, they are between the individual and his God, no one needs to know. it is supposed to be a private thing, not peddled and shouted about.
    Think of the millions of deaths caused by religion and the pushing of it onto other people or the suppression of it, keep religion on the private side of your life and everyone would be a lot better.

  2. Communists have always believed this way, anyone who believes in God is "insane". They always persecute, jail (and mental institutions) and/or kill Christians in countries they have complete control over. The real reason is real Christians are a threat to their system. They give people courage and hope that there is a real God, that the communist state is not God. Jesus said in the last days persecution of Christians would increase before his return. All his other predictions are also coming to pass. Guess I'm insane too, I'll take my chances on worshipping the true God rather than the communist state. We all are going to die sometime, these days probably sooner than later. We will all see clearly at that point that God is more than real and what he said was true.

  3. 3:16
    This country was founded on Christian beliefs and values. Look at the dollars in your wallet, they say In God we trust.
    Fools and communists like you will NEVER change that.

  4. Oh "God we Trust" added to everything in the 1950's by Eisenhower, pushed by the religious right at that time. Not a founding principle. You got to do better than that.

  5. I bet ISIS would nip this turd in the bud..

  6. 7:00 pm: Lay down...we know you are a Obama Lover

  7. To 7:00-Not a founding principle? You are the one who has got to do better than that. You obviously have absolutely no knowledge whatsoever of this county's founding documents. Bone up a little on your history before you go making stupid comments. You're dealing with (mostly) informed people on this blog so your commie bullshit doesn't fly here.


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