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Thursday, June 04, 2015

Food Gestapo: Grade School Teacher Threatened With Fines for Violating Michelle Obama’s School Snack Rules

Mean Michelle is now turning into the Gestapo with her absurd and unpopular school food demands. It’s so bad now that a grade school teacher in West Virginia recently faced fines for daring to give her children “unapproved snacks” in the classroom.

Sieg Heil to Michelle Obama’s food police

Students and parents are rallying to the defense of a teacher who is accused of violating federal school snack rules.

The Williamson PreK-8 teacher, who was not identified, would give her students “wrapped candy” as a reward for their hard work and good behavior.

Because the practice was an alleged violation of the federal rules championed by first lady Michelle Obama, Mingo County Schools Director of Child Nutrition Kay Maynard “placed a call to officials at the West Virginia Department of Education (WVDE) to report the incident,” the Williamson Daily News reports.

Maynard also spoke to Williamson PreK-8 principal Shannon Blackburn, telling him about the possibility of a monetary fine for the teacher.

When news spread, parents and student mobilized, collecting pennies to pay the potential fine on the teacher’s behalf.



  1. Who the hell voted for her? NOBODY!


  2. NOBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Should be between school and parents. Not the government.

  3. Yeah, don't go to the teacher and have discussions on food values, candy, and the child's learning incentives.

    Just immediately go behind the scenes and turn her in to the police! Send that criminal off to prison where she belongs?

    What a wonderful teaching team this school has!

    That's why the kids aren't learning anything...

  4. Has anyone ever seen the crap that is served since moochelle thought she had some power over the schools? It is terrible! Kudos to the teacher who has some sense and kudos to the folks who stood up for the teacher.

  5. The bigger issue is narc-ing on your friends, relatives, & coworkers.

  6. Well, she does look like Elysia Cook!

  7. Have you seen the documentary Fed Up? We can either have the government making rules or the big corporations like Pizza Hut, Coca Cola, McDonald's etc will be more than happy to feed their "food" to our kids. The same corporations are only too happy to cry "nanny state" when it may affect their bottom line.

  8. Also watch "The lottery of Birth"

  9. Since when did Moochelle gain the power to enact laws of any kind?

  10. There are no laws associated with Mrs. Obama's school food program. This teacher broke no laws.

  11. It's part of the scenario of this administration--come down hard on teachers, let students of one main group do as they please.


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