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Thursday, June 11, 2015

Ex-Officer Indicted in Death of Walter Scott

Amateur cell phone video contradicts officer's version of events

North Charleston, SC (WLTX) – A Charleston County grand jury has returned an indictment against a former North Charleston police officer in the shooting death of an unarmed man that he’d pulled over earlier this year.

Solicitor Scarlett Wilson announced Monday that the jury had come back with the indictment against Michael Slager, 33, in the killing of 50-year-old Walter Scott.



  1. Misuse of authority, murder one.
    Let's see how the thin blue line holds on this sociopath.

  2. Ray Charles could see this guy is guilty. No cop supports a dirty cop.

    1. Do what? Are you out of your mind? No cop supports a dirty cop? Lmao. I'm not even going into the corruption involved in local law enforcement over the last 25 yrs.

  3. The cop was tazed 50000 volts and the bad guy had a weapon. Cops will keep getting indicted to avoid sharpton. Martial law is here you all will begging for local police to be back policing.

    1. Here is the cop that supports a dirty one. The officer was never tased. The officer was caught planting evidence.

  4. 8:48, dirty cops are supported by other cops all the time. It's just harder to do when the evidence is right there on video.

  5. 8:48, thats a bit of a lie. Considering the only reason this guy was fired was because of the video released.

  6. Not true haters. Libtard cry babies. This was a case to be angry about. The Baltimore case is a racist witch hunt. You dont get to shoot guy because he got your tazer. No this was murder. To all you cop haters. SUCK IT you dont have it or you would be one.

    1. After watching that officer. You can suck it. And I'm a white republican and feel the Baltimore case is wrongful death at the least. And I'm sickened by the tens of thousands of different videos showing cops either killing or beating people. Violating rights and liberties. Can't find a hundred or so videos of cops doing good things. This is all in a twenty year period. The last good cops are gone. The regime had been born.

  7. 1:21, its a college education. Maybe if you had of one those you wouldn't have to be a cop.

  8. Equal justice for all.
    Picture this scenario---
    You're in the local park and you notice a guy trying to break into your car. You run over and recognize his face from a "Wanted" poster. A fight breaks out. You reach into your pocket and pull out a legally carried gun. He runs.
    You don't chase him, but take a firing position. With the man still RUNNING AWAY and from 40 feet away, you open fire and kill him.
    I'll let a cop or lawyer come here and tell me how long it would take for POLICE to charge ME with 1st degree premeditated murder and how many decades would I get in PRISON. Without the possibility of parole.
    The police always tell us "you can run but you can't hide". They KNEW who this guy was and where he lived. The cop didn't even bother to chase him (and it seems like a crippled 10 year old could have caught that loser). They could have got him later, no problem.
    The officer CHOSE to kill him. Bad move.
    With great authority comes great responsibility.
    Stop shooting and beating everyone that mouths off, runs, or gives you a hard look. IT'S PART OF THE TERRITORY.
    Develop some self-control and self discipline. When you decide to kill, make sure its the right decision, not the result of a temper tantrum and the wearing of the "I can do anything I want" badge.
    Finally, know THIS -- if it had not been for that video, that murder would have been just another cop story about "he went for my gun and I HAD to shoot him. See that Taser he pulled out of my pocket? I was SOOOOOOOO afraid!!!". And the States Attorney would have held a press conference hailing another brave hero who barely escaped with his life fighting a dangerous black man.
    Thank God for the video.


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