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Thursday, June 11, 2015

Democrat School Teachers Take Kids to Sex Shop

Want your little boy or girl to be taught '50 Shades'-style BDSM on a field trip?

School leaders at “Gaia Democratic School” fully support trip to the Smitten Kitten “progressive” sex shop.


  1. The kids of today already are doing it by age 12 and some even younger. They probably taught the store clerks a thing or two!

  2. Oh my god. I don't have kids yet but when I do I don't think I can send them to public school. I think that social interaction in school is important, but I would rather home school them than subject them to this. So high school is supposed to prepare you for life, but you graduate not knowing how handle any adult responsibilities. It's just 18 years of teach to the test and now a big fat dose of moral decay on top of it. They only wasted my time when I went through school but now they are actively corrupting the next generation.


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