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Sunday, June 28, 2015

Confederate Flag


  1. So show me someone with a strong opinion about this being toxic and I have you pegged as a moron that blows with political winds with out a thought. So a shooting is now about a flag. How does that happen?

    This is all simply a drummed up distraction while your elected officials keep on robbing and stripping the working public of our rights.Stop trying to follow the bouncing ball and concentrate on the hand that throws it.

  2. It's only toxic if you make it so. Just a diversion to keep the focus off of the hatred blacks have for each other and that the way they are killing each other off to the tune of 1000's a year in this country. They haven't whites or cops to fear at all but only other blacks. As soon as blacks face this fact and stop focusing on the illusions created for them by their handlers they will become better people for it. Blacks are more dangerous to other blacks then white supremacy ever was or will be.

    1. "Handlers" blacks are not animal they are human being too. So some respect or hush!

  3. So i guess all the sourthern people that died during the civil war are Racist ?

  4. Yes 10:40, and traitors as well.

  5. i know the argument is heritage, not hate. but the Swaztika was originally an Egyption symbol. But it has certainly come to represent something much more.

  6. Perhaps if they had not allowed it to be used as a symbol of hate it would not have become toxic.

  7. The US flag is a symbol of hate also, we killed millions of Native Americans because the white man hated them.

    1. That's your foolish perception.

  8. Funny you can wear all black and yell I want to kill white people. It is coming people. I am as sick as the next guy

  9. 1:16 I see you got your Rush fix today.

  10. Does the New Black Panthers and the Nation of Islam not fly an African flag? Are they both not Hate / Racist groups? That is not their heritage. That is a belief of hate only.

  11. "No just traitors"

    I keep seeing that ignorant sentiment. Is this what they pound into your mushy little brains in public school these days? How did exercising their right to secession make them 'traitors'?

  12. Stay tuned, next week they'll ban some other form of free expression.
    and the next week, and on and on until nobody can say or do anything that makes liberals uncomfortable.

    stock up on ammo, it's your only alternative at this point.

    because it looks like things are about to get nautical.

  13. Nobody is getting the fact that this little tidbit is tossed out or all of us to squabble over while the Trade Deal that will become the Country's demise is shuffled through the Senate.

    Feeling stupid yet?

    Well, it worked; the deal is done, you just lost your Constitution.

    How did that feel?

  14. you morons keep throwing out that traitor label and have no freaking clue what it means or the definition. if you did you would know it does not apply. I feel sorry for Joe. I can only imagine how worn out he must get weeding through stupid comments like those on a continuous basis, and from so freaking many. it's a good thing most of you can post anonymously or you would be laughed out of town, and out of your trailer park.

  15. because it looks like things are about to get nautical.

    June 25, 2015 at 7:07 PM


  16. strangly enough there is no lack of Nazi flags being made and sold.

  17. Meanwhile, the TPP bill is taking all your other rights, but pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.


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