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Friday, June 19, 2015

Cardin Statement on Ramadan

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD), Ranking Member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee issued the following statement on the occasion of Ramadan.

“Ramadan is marked by a period of fasting and self-reflection, a time defined by prayer, service, and charity. These are universal values, embraced by communities of all faiths and religions. Families across Maryland, throughout the United States, and around the world are now gathering daily to observe this holy month. Throughout this holiday, we must all be guided by acts of compassion and humanity, and together we must strive to uplift all of our communities, particularly those who are confronting challenges and struggles. We must always be guided by principles of caring and harmony. From my family to yours, Ramadan Kareem.”

Editors Note: No statement was released for Easter or Christmas By Rep Cardin.  See the below link for all his press releases.      


  1. Bacon, bacon and more bacon. Off with you, Mr. Cardin.

  2. I guess this tells us which citizens he stands with.

  3. Can we lock him in jail...where he can get all the Muslims he wants?

    And they will stick their BACON in his Butt!

  4. What a shame as a lot of us had high hopes for him and now he's catering to a corrupt religion and culture that want to destroy us! Just another TRAITOR. Not much difference between him and our current lying cowardly kenyan king!

  5. You had high hopes for Cardin? What dream world do you live in?

  6. Anyone.. ANYONE could see how patronizing and phony this is.

  7. Say something positive about a Chritian holiday and see what happens, the liberal's panties would be all be in a twist with "we need separation of church and state". What a STINKING HYPOCRITE.


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