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Saturday, June 27, 2015

Busted! Crisis Actor “Emotionally Distraught” At Charleston Shooting!

CNN, the Hussein Obama Administration’s favorite puppet media outlet has long been known to sport ‘crisis actors and actresses’ at the staged, false flag events they orchestrate in order to come along later and take away more of our Constitutional rights.

The girl above, who’s been three different people at three previous crises already, was allegedly spotted again at the Charleston shooting. This report comes from a media anchor, who spoke on condition of anonymity due to the sensativity of the situation, who claimed he actually caught the photo himself before it went to print, and alerted higher ups that the jig would be up, for too many people had already seen this same crises actor. The photo was retracted from the melee.



  1. And some think Alex Jones is only full of conspiracies!

  2. Hey hey. And people thought I was crazy when I said Hillary had something to do with this. Really weird she was two blocks away and left half hour before this all happened. Gun control and a racial divide. In one incident.

  3. I never heard that Hillary was in the area.

    1. She most certainly was. All it takes is a couple strokes of your key board to find out.

  4. This should get 100s of comments but it doesn't. We are already programmed what to get mad at. This is absolutely horrid she should be charged at once and apologize to the victims family's.

  5. False flag with paid actors. Brought to you by uncle Sam

  6. Except its not the same person.

    1. Of course not. My eyes are lying bc you said so. Nope.


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