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Friday, June 12, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: House votes against key Obama trade legislation

President Obama fails to convince Democrats to back a key provision of his trade agenda, losing a key test vote in the House. A vote on a second provision of Obama's trade legislation is proceeding.



  1. This is really good news. How can people vote for something that they are not allowed to read.

    1. Like Obama care "we have to pass it to see what is in it"! That is like signing a blank contract with someone! What an f'in joke...

  2. I wonder if Andy Harris voted for this? It's a lose lose for the American worker and tax payer of this country.

  3. HALF of republicans votiing for it WTF.

  4. this is not true the first part failed the TPP passed ..

  5. 2:18 they have and will vote for things they can't or won't read. They will cave at some point. What a sad time for our country.

  6. There are two types of republicans parties and you got insane and greedy jerks and you common sense that fight for the people right's that what i known about these problems.

  7. Andy Harris voted against it.

    I don't care what's in it. Nothing kept under lock and key should be approved by Congress. It just stinks.

  8. Love this...Keep the pressure on YAWL CALL 202-224-3121 and tell them THANK YOU

  9. This is a dangerous because it would have given the UN more control over the US

  10. KEEP VOTING THIS DOWN PERIOD NO EXCEPTIONS. obama wants a new world order and this bill will finish us all off.


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