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Monday, June 29, 2015

Black Pastors' Group Urges Civil Disobedience Against Gay Marriage Ruling

The head of an organization of African-American pastors told Newsmax Saturday that Christians must oppose the Supreme Court's gay marriage ruling through civil disobedience because "you do something to get arrested to call attention to the injustice."

"I was in the civil rights movement, so I know how to do it" the Rev. Bill Owens, president of the Coalition of African-American Pastors (CAAP), said in an interview. "When we sat at the counters at restaurants, we knew we were going to be arrested. You do things to get arrested, to call attention to it.

"So many people were silent," he added. "The church people were absolutely silent on this issue. A few leaders spoke out, but the masses of the church people were silent."

When asked why people were unwilling to speak against President Barack Obama when he came out for gay marriage in 2012, Owens responded: "The whites didn't want to come out against Obama since he endorsed it so strongly and they didn't want to be called bigots — and the blacks didn't want to say they were betraying a black man.

"I came out very powerfully against Mr. Obama when he stood for same-sex marriage."



  1. Instead of civil disobedience which is quite uncivil, the intelligent thing for these black pastors to promote would be smart voting.
    Civil disobedience just makes you look like a savage from some lawless 3rd world country.
    These black churches make no sense. They pretend to be so faithful and Christian but then they hold Obama up to praise and he is a big sinner.
    He promotes everything that is unChristian and to support his is to enable the sinful ways to continue. Blacks seem very conflicted and I think this is why their youth has gone astray. They get such mixed messages.

  2. The law of the Supreme Court is not above God's law. It is the duty of people (that care) to disobey evil laws, no matter what the consequences.

  3. Can I get an Amen?

  4. 10:13. what cereal box did you get your degree from?

  5. Yes, disobey when someone of the same sex asks you to marry them, say no.

  6. "Anonymous said...

    10:13. what cereal box did you get your degree from?

    June 29, 2015 at 10:34 AM"

    LOL You are so absolutely ridiculous. No the question is what cereal box did YOU get your degree from?
    Attempting to insult shows you are ignorant beyond belief. An intelligent person can debate what is said minus insults. You are so utterly stupid that you couldn't even debate what was said and chose to insult only. This is the true sign of an intellectual cripple.

  7. So under this new law does everybody have to be Gay ?

  8. That seems to be what these people think, 12:08.

  9. No not "these people" 12:27, gays. They won't be happy until everyone is a pervert. So they will never be happy (kinda ironic huh? happy/gay).

  10. 10:15 To you, as a christian, you are right. The laws of the US are the laws that everyone must adhere to, the laws of your religion apply to you and others who support your religion. Keep them separate, please and thank you.

  11. 3:35 And I say there is a law above man's law. That is my opinion in a semi-free country and I intend to act upon that. I therefore will not keep them separate, regardless of your opinion, thank you.


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