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Saturday, June 13, 2015

Army: We Can Provide Honor Guards For A Gay Pride Parade, But Not For A Church Service

The Army is refusing to provide an Honor Guard at a Baptist church because it violates their involvement in a religious service. This is uber offensive considering that the Army just refused to provide an Honor Guard for a church whose first pastor was a chaplain in the Revolutionary Army. This is the Fourth of July for crap’s sake! So, our Army can provide an Honor Guard now for a Gay Pride parade (where there will be perversion on display for the kiddies), but not for a Baptist church honoring a Revolutionary War hero? Our nation is totally screwed up. We now celebrate depravity and deplore morality. Abilene Baptist Church was founded in 1774 – one of Georgia’s most historic churches and the second oldest in the state. The founding pastor was arrested by a colonial magistrate for “preaching in Georgia” and the first pastor, Reverend Loveless Savage, was a chaplain in the Revolutionary Army. But that doesn’t matter to the Army these days – our founding is so yesterday… two snaps and on with the rainbow!



  1. Sounds like Obama to me...

  2. We don't have a military these days , don't need one. We have the new black panthers , the Ferguson gangs and the Baltimore gangs to give us protection . A little like using a condom full of holes . Thanks for your leadership skills Obama!!!

  3. The army does its PC thing. The PAO should have looked a little harder at this one.

  4. I think it is time for a revolution. If anyone in you community asks you to start or join a militia you better give it some serious consideration.

    1. So, have you started one, or joined one, or just bumping ģums?

  5. And to think the Law Enforcement over the years. Mainly the F.B.I. has killed the MAFIA apart. They were truly a neighborhoods protection from all harm and dealt with their own and Law Enforcement knew those area's controlled by the Mob was hands off as they dealt with their own issues and now the NEW MOBS are controlling the streets.. DAMN Be happy people you all voted these nuts in office that has allowed the new gangs on the streets and controls most of Baltimore as anyone who lives in the city knows that B.C.P.D. DOES NOT control the city and the gangs do. If you don't like them demand change and NOW.


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